17 calls to commerce_currency_format() in Commerce Core 7
- CommercePaymentTransactionEntityController::buildContent in modules/
payment/ includes/ commerce_payment_transaction.controller.inc - Builds a structured array representing the entity's content.
- CommercePaymentUITest::testCommercePaymentAdministration in modules/
payment/ tests/ commerce_payment_ui.test - Test the adding payments using administration pages.
- CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIAdminOrder in modules/
tax/ tests/ commerce_tax_ui.test - Check the taxes applied in the order admin view.
- CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIApplySalesTax in modules/
tax/ tests/ commerce_tax_ui.test - Check if a 'Salex tax' rate is correctly applied in a given order.
- CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIApplyVAT in modules/
tax/ tests/ commerce_tax_ui.test - Check if a 'VAT' tax type is correctly applied in a given product.
- CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIApplyVATInclusive in modules/
tax/ tests/ commerce_tax_ui.test - Check if a 'VAT' tax type is correctly applied in a given product.
- CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIUserOrderView in modules/
tax/ tests/ commerce_tax_ui.test - Check the taxes applied in the order that a normal user can view.
- commerce_line_item_field_widget_form in modules/
line_item/ commerce_line_item.module - Implements hook_field_widget_form().
- commerce_line_item_handler_area_line_item_summary::render in modules/
line_item/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_line_item_handler_area_line_item_summary.inc - Render the area.
- commerce_payment_commerce_payment_totals_row_info in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.module - Implements hook_commerce_payment_totals_row_info().
- commerce_payment_handler_field_amount::render in modules/
payment/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_payment_handler_field_amount.inc - Render the field.
- commerce_payment_handler_field_balance::render in modules/
payment/ includes/ views/ handlers/ commerce_payment_handler_field_balance.inc - Render the field.
- commerce_payment_payment_transaction_delete_form in modules/
payment/ includes/ commerce_payment.forms.inc - Form callback: confirmation form for deleting a transaction.
- commerce_payment_tokens in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.tokens.inc - Implements hook_tokens().
- commerce_price_field_formatter_view in modules/
price/ commerce_price.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
- hook_commerce_payment_totals_row_info in modules/
payment/ commerce_payment.api.php - Defines rows for use in payment totals area handlers on Views.
- RulesDataUICommercePrice::render in modules/
price/ commerce_price.rules.inc - Render the configured value.