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Functions in Colors 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
colors_admin_settings includes/ Form constructor for the Colors admin form. 1
colors_admin_settings_submit includes/ Form submission handler for colors_admin_settings(). 1
colors_admin_type_settings_submit includes/ Form submission handler for colors_generate_settings_form(). 1
colors_api_minimum_version ./colors.module Declares the minimum Colors API version. 1
colors_api_version ./colors.module Declares the current Colors API version. 2
colors_build_css ./colors.module Builds a CSS string based on a selector and a color configuration. 1
colors_colors_api ./colors.module Implements hook_colors_api(). 1
colors_colors_build_selector ./colors.module Implements hook_colors_build_selector().
colors_colors_exist ./colors.module Checks if there is a color configuration for this selector.
colors_colors_get_color_mapping ./colors.module Implements hook_colors_get_color_mapping().
colors_create_css ./colors.module Retrieves or generates a CSS file with a given module's selector. 1
colors_css_clear ./colors.module Removes the generated CSS file, optionally recreating it. 2
colors_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name ./colors.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name().
colors_delete_selector ./colors.module Deletes a selector.
colors_delete_selectors ./colors.module Deletes all the selectors from a specfic module.
colors_generate_settings_form includes/ Generate an admin form for each Colors plugin. 1
colors_get_colors ./colors.module Gets the color of a given selector. 2
colors_get_color_options ./colors.module Gets all the color options.
colors_get_module_colors ./colors.module Gets all the color configurations of a given module. 1
colors_get_selectors ./colors.module Gets an array of all the selectors.
colors_help ./colors.module Implements hook_help().
colors_include_api ./colors.module Includes all Colors API plugins. 4
colors_install ./colors.install Implements hook_install().
colors_invoke ./colors.module Wrapper function for module_invoke() providing a fallback. 2
colors_load_colorpicker ./colors.module Loads a farbtastic colorpicker. 2
colors_menu ./colors.module Implements hook_menu().
colors_rename_selector ./colors.module Renames a given selector.
colors_schema ./colors.install Implements hook_schema().
colors_set_colors ./colors.module Sets the color configuration for a given selector. 2
colors_theme ./colors.module Implements hook_theme().
colors_uninstall ./colors.install Implements hook_uninstall().
field_collection_colors_classes includes/ Implements hook_colors_classes().
hook_colors_build_selector ./colors.api.php Builds a selector string.
hook_colors_classes ./colors.api.php Provide a way for modules to add the classes used to their markup.
hook_colors_get_color_mapping ./colors.api.php Gets the color configuration mapping.
hook_colors_info ./colors.api.php Declare a colors plugin.
hook_colors_rebuild ./colors.api.php Declare if the CSS file should be automatically rebuilt.
node_colors_classes includes/ Implements hook_colors_classes().
node_colors_info includes/ Implements hook_colors_info().
og_colors_classes includes/ Implements hook_colors_classes().
og_colors_info includes/ Implements hook_colors_info().
taxonomy_colors_classes includes/ Implements hook_colors_classes().
taxonomy_colors_info includes/ Implements hook_colors_info().
theme_colors_admin_settings includes/ Returns HTML for the settings form.
user_colors_classes includes/ Implements hook_colors_classes().
user_colors_info includes/ Implements hook_colors_info().
_colors_og_callback includes/ Wrapper around og_get_all_group() and og_label(). 1
_colors_set_colors ./colors.module Wrapper function for colors_set_colors() 2
_colors_taxonomy_term_callback includes/ Wrapper around taxonomy_get_tree(). 1
_colors_users includes/ 1


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