colors.module in Colors 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
Provides an API to match selectors with a color configuration.
colors.moduleView source
* @file
* Provides an API to match selectors with a color configuration.
* Implements hook_menu().
function colors_menu() {
$items = array();
$base = array(
'file' => '',
'file path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'colors') . '/includes',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
$items['admin/config/user-interface/colors'] = array(
'title' => 'Colors',
'description' => 'Adjust Colors settings.',
) + $base;
$items['admin/config/user-interface/colors/settings'] = array(
'title' => 'Settings',
'weight' => -10,
) + $base;
// Create a local task for each plugin.
foreach (module_implements('colors_info') as $module) {
// Because a module can provide more than one color type, the first becomes
// the default, and the rest are secondary tabs.
$first = TRUE;
foreach (module_invoke($module, 'colors_info') as $type => $info) {
if ($first) {
$items["admin/config/user-interface/colors/{$module}"] = array(
'title' => drupal_ucfirst($module),
'page arguments' => array(
'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
) + $base;
$items["admin/config/user-interface/colors/{$module}/{$type}"] = array(
'title' => $info['title'],
'page arguments' => array(
) + $base;
$first = FALSE;
return $items;
* Implements hook_theme().
function colors_theme() {
return array(
'colors_admin_settings' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'file' => 'includes/',
* Implements hook_help().
function colors_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#colors':
return '<p>' . t('You can configure colors for your events based on taxonomy terms, node types, etc. on the <a href="@link">Colors administration page</a>.', array(
'@link' => '/admin/config/user-interface/colors',
)) . '</p>';
* Includes all Colors API plugins.
function colors_include_api() {
return ctools_plugin_api_include('colors', 'colors', colors_api_version(), colors_api_minimum_version());
* Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name().
function colors_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name() {
return 'colors_api';
* Implements hook_colors_api().
function colors_colors_api() {
return array(
'api' => colors_api_version(),
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'colors') . '/includes',
* Declares the current Colors API version.
function colors_api_version() {
return '1';
* Declares the minimum Colors API version.
function colors_api_minimum_version() {
return '1';
* Gets an array of all the selectors.
* @return
* Array containing all the selectors.
function colors_get_selectors() {
return db_select('colors', 'c')
->fields('c', array(
->fetchAllAssoc('selector', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
* Gets the color of a given selector.
* @param $selector
* The name of the selector.
* @param $module
* The name of the module.
* @param $default
* If this function is being called for the default selector.
* @return
* Color configuration for the giving selector, or the default.
function colors_get_colors($selector, $module = 'colors', $default = FALSE) {
$result = db_select('colors', 'c')
->fields('c', array(
->condition('selector', $selector)
if (!empty($result)) {
return unserialize($result);
if (!$default) {
return colors_get_colors($module . '_default', $module, TRUE);
* Checks if there is a color configuration for this selector.
* @param $selector
* The name of the selector.
* @return
* TRUE if the selector has a color configuration
* FALSE if the selector doesn't have a color configuration
function colors_colors_exist($selector) {
$result = db_select('colors', 'c')
->fields('c', array(
->condition('selector', $selector)
return !empty($result);
* Gets all the color configurations of a given module.
* @param $module
* The name of the given module.
* @return
* Color configuration for the selectors created by the given module.
function colors_get_module_colors($module) {
return array_map('unserialize', db_select('colors', 'c')
->fields('c', array(
->condition('module', $module)
* Sets the color configuration for a given selector.
* @param $selector
* The name of the selector.
* @param $color
* The updated color configuration.
function colors_set_colors($selector, $color, $module = 'colors') {
'selector' => $selector,
'color' => serialize($color),
'module' => $module,
* Deletes a selector.
* @param $selector
* The selector to remove.
function colors_delete_selector($selector) {
->condition('selector', $selector)
* Deletes all the selectors from a specfic module.
* @param $module
* The module the selectors should be removed from.
function colors_delete_selectors($module) {
->condition('module', $module)
* Renames a given selector.
* @param $oldselector
* The name of the given selector.
* @param $newselector
* The new name for the selector.
function colors_rename_selector($old_selector, $new_selector) {
'selector' => $new_selector,
->condition('selector', $old_selector)
* Gets all the color options.
* @return
* Array containing all the possible colorable features.
function colors_get_color_options($module = 'colors') {
return array_keys(colors_invoke($module, 'colors_get_color_mapping'));
* Implements hook_colors_get_color_mapping().
* Gets the color configuration mapping.
* @return
* Mapping between the colorable features and the CSS input.
function colors_colors_get_color_mapping() {
return array(
'background' => 'background-color',
'text' => 'color',
'border' => 'border-color',
* Retrieves or generates a CSS file with a given module's selector.
* @param string $caller
* A module that implements hook_colors_build_selector().
* @return string
* The filename of the generated CSS.
function colors_create_css($caller) {
$filename = ctools_css_retrieve($caller . ':colors');
if (!$filename) {
$css = array();
$delta = 0;
foreach (module_invoke_all('colors_info') as $module => $info) {
if (!variable_get('colors_' . $module . '_enabled', FALSE)) {
$weight = variable_get('colors_weight_' . $module, $delta - 100);
if (!isset($css[$weight])) {
$css[$weight] = '';
foreach (colors_get_module_colors($module) as $selector => $colors) {
$css[$weight] .= colors_build_css($selector, $colors, $caller);
$filename = ctools_css_store($caller . ':colors', implode("\n", $css));
return $filename;
* Builds a CSS string based on a selector and a color configuration.
* @param $selector
* The selector used to build the CSS string.
* @param $colors
* The color configuration used to build the CSS string.
* @return
* The constructed CSS string.
function colors_build_css($selector, $colors, $module = 'colors', $default_colors = array()) {
// Fetch color mapping.
$color_mapping = colors_invoke($module, 'colors_get_color_mapping');
if (empty($colors)) {
if (empty($default_colors)) {
$colors = $default_colors;
// Rewrite the selector if needed
$css = colors_invoke($module, 'colors_build_selector', drupal_html_class($selector));
$css .= ' {';
foreach ($colors as $option => $color) {
$css .= $color_mapping[$option] . ': ' . $color . ';';
$css .= ' } ';
return $css;
* Implements hook_colors_build_selector().
* Builds a selector string.
* @param $class
* Class name used for the new selector string.
* @return
* The built selector.
function colors_colors_build_selector($class) {
return $class;
* Loads a farbtastic colorpicker.
function colors_load_colorpicker() {
// JS for our Farbtastic integration.
ctools_add_js('colors.admin', 'colors');
// CSS and JS for Farbtastic color picker.
drupal_add_library('system', 'farbtastic');
return array(
'color_picker' => array(
'#prefix' => '<div id="colors-colorpicker">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
* Wrapper function for module_invoke() providing a fallback.
* @param $module
* The name of the module.
* @param $hook
* The name of the hook to invoke.
* @return
* The return value of the hook implementation.
function colors_invoke($module, $hook) {
$args = func_get_args();
if ($module != 'colors' && !module_hook($module, $hook)) {
$args[0] = 'colors';
return call_user_func_array('module_invoke', $args);
* Removes the generated CSS file, optionally recreating it.
function colors_css_clear() {
foreach (module_implements('colors_rebuild') as $module) {
ctools_css_clear($module . ':colors');
if (module_invoke($module, 'colors_rebuild')) {
* Wrapper function for colors_set_colors()
* @todo Remove when border and color are exposed.
function _colors_set_colors($classes, $module = 'colors', $background = '#000000', $border = '#000000', $text = '#ffffff') {
$border = $background;
$colors = array(
'background' => $background,
'border' => $border,
'text' => $text,
colors_set_colors($classes, $colors, $module);
if (module_exists('node') && !function_exists('node_colors_api')) {
function node_colors_api() {
return colors_colors_api();
if (module_exists('user') && !function_exists('user_colors_api')) {
function user_colors_api() {
return colors_colors_api();
if (module_exists('taxonomy') && !function_exists('taxonomy_colors_api')) {
function taxonomy_colors_api() {
return colors_colors_api();
if (module_exists('og') && !function_exists('og_colors_api')) {
function og_colors_api() {
return colors_colors_api();
if (module_exists('field_collection') && !function_exists('field_collection_colors_api')) {
function field_collection_colors_api() {
return colors_colors_api();
Name | Description |
colors_api_minimum_version | Declares the minimum Colors API version. |
colors_api_version | Declares the current Colors API version. |
colors_build_css | Builds a CSS string based on a selector and a color configuration. |
colors_colors_api | Implements hook_colors_api(). |
colors_colors_build_selector | Implements hook_colors_build_selector(). |
colors_colors_exist | Checks if there is a color configuration for this selector. |
colors_colors_get_color_mapping | Implements hook_colors_get_color_mapping(). |
colors_create_css | Retrieves or generates a CSS file with a given module's selector. |
colors_css_clear | Removes the generated CSS file, optionally recreating it. |
colors_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name | Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api_hook_name(). |
colors_delete_selector | Deletes a selector. |
colors_delete_selectors | Deletes all the selectors from a specfic module. |
colors_get_colors | Gets the color of a given selector. |
colors_get_color_options | Gets all the color options. |
colors_get_module_colors | Gets all the color configurations of a given module. |
colors_get_selectors | Gets an array of all the selectors. |
colors_help | Implements hook_help(). |
colors_include_api | Includes all Colors API plugins. |
colors_invoke | Wrapper function for module_invoke() providing a fallback. |
colors_load_colorpicker | Loads a farbtastic colorpicker. |
colors_menu | Implements hook_menu(). |
colors_rename_selector | Renames a given selector. |
colors_set_colors | Sets the color configuration for a given selector. |
colors_theme | Implements hook_theme(). |
_colors_set_colors | Wrapper function for colors_set_colors() |