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8 calls to CMSContentSyncCommands::io() in CMS Content Sync 8

CMSContentSyncCommands::check_entity_flags in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Check the flags for an entity.
CMSContentSyncCommands::configuration_export in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Export the configuration to the Sync Core.
CMSContentSyncCommands::force_pull_entity in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Kindly ask the Sync Core to force pull a specific entity.
CMSContentSyncCommands::pull in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Kindly ask the Sync Core to pull all entities for a specific flow, or to force pull one specific entity.
CMSContentSyncCommands::pull_entities in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Kindly ask the Sync Core to pull all entities for a specific flow.
CMSContentSyncCommands::push in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Push all entities for a specific flow.
CMSContentSyncCommands::reset_status_entities in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Reset the status entities for a specific or all pool/s.
CMSContentSyncCommands::sync_core_login in src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php
Kindly ask the Sync Core to login again.