public function CMSContentSyncCommands::push in CMS Content Sync 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.1.x src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Commands\CMSContentSyncCommands::push()
- 2.0.x src/Commands/CMSContentSyncCommands.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Commands\CMSContentSyncCommands::push()
Push all entities for a specific flow.
@command cms_content_sync:push
@aliases cs-push cms_content_sync:push-entities
@options push_mode Allows to overwrite the default push mode.
@usage cms_content_sync:push example_flow Push all entities from the "example_flow" which have push configured as "automatically". @usage cms_content_sync:push example_flow --push_mode="automatic_manual" Push all entities from the "example_flow" which have push configured as "automatically" or "manually". Only exports manually exported entities which have not been exported before. @usage cms_content_sync:push example_flow --push_mode="automatic_manual_force" Push all entities from the "example_flow" which have push configured as "automatically" or "manually". Also exports entities which have not been exported before by the manual push.
string $flow_id: The flow the entities should be pushed for
array $options:
- src/
Commands/ CMSContentSyncCommands.php, line 126
- CMSContentSyncCommands
- Content Sync Drush Commands.
public function push($flow_id, $options = [
'push_mode' => null,
]) {
->io(), $flow_id, $options);