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function cms_content_sync_install in CMS Content Sync 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.1.x cms_content_sync.install \cms_content_sync_install()
  2. 2.0.x cms_content_sync.install \cms_content_sync_install()

Implements hook_install().

  • Creates the CMS Content Sync user and provides him with all required permissions.
  • Sets module weight so we can hook in after all other content creation modules.
  • Displays message to start setting up the site.


./cms_content_sync.install, line 64
Install file for cms_content_sync.


function cms_content_sync_install() {
  $config_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'cms_content_sync') . '/config/install';
  $source = new FileStorage($config_path);
  $config_storage = Drupal::service('');
  $configsNames = [
  foreach ($configsNames as $name) {
      ->write($name, $source
  $username = 'CMS Content Sync';
    ->alter('cms_content_sync_username', $username);
  $data = [
    'userName' => $username,
    'userPass' => user_password(),
  $user = User::create();

  // Store UID in key value table.
    ->set('uid', intval($user
  $data = cms_content_sync_encrypt_values($data);
  $userData = Drupal::service('');
    ->set('cms_content_sync', $user
    ->id(), 'sync_data', $data);
    ->addStatus(new FormattableMarkup("Thanks for choosing Content Sync! @start.", [
    '@start' => Link::createFromRoute("Setup your first content pool now", "entity.cms_content_sync_pool.add_form")
    ->addStatus(new FormattableMarkup('If you have connected another site already, @copy. Mirroring means you can simply swap the push and pull settings.', [
    '@copy' => Link::createFromRoute("copy or mirror the configuration from another site", "entity.cms_content_sync_flow.copy_remote")