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abstract class CerField in Corresponding Entity References 7.3

@class Represents a single field instance.


Expanded class hierarchy of CerField


includes/, line 19
Contains the base class for CER field plugins.

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abstract class CerField extends FieldInstance {

   * @var array
   * The plugin definition.
  protected $plugin;

   * @var array
  protected $settings = array();

   * @var string
  public $fieldTypeLabel;

   * Gets the type of entity that can be referenced by this field, e.g. 'node'.
   * @return string
  public abstract function getTargetType();

   * Constructor. Pretty self-explanatory!
  public function __construct(array $plugin) {

    // Store a copy of our plugin definition.
    $this->plugin = $plugin;
    list($entity_type, $bundle, $field_name) = explode(':', $plugin['identifier']);
    parent::__construct($entity_type, $bundle, $field_name);

    // Store a copy of the field settings for convenience. At the time of this
    // writing, this is needed by the Entity Reference, Node Reference,
    // and Term Reference plugins.
    $info = field_info_field($this->name);
    $this->settings = $info['settings'];
    $type_info = field_info_field_types($info['type']);
    $this->fieldTypeLabel = $type_info['label'];

   * Returns a CerFieldHandler subclass instance for the given entity.
   * @param object $entity
   *  The entity to be wrapped by the handler.
   * @return CerFieldHandler
  public function getHandler(EntityDrupalWrapper $entity) {
    return new $this->plugin['handler']($this, $entity);

   * Returns the bundles that this field instance can reference.
   * @return array
  public function getTargetBundles() {
    $info = entity_get_info($this
    return array_keys($info['bundles']);

   * Overridden.
  public function requireParent() {
    return $this->plugin['require parent'];

   * Overridden.
  public function getParents() {
    return array_map('CerField::getPlugin', $this->plugin['parents']);

   * Returns information about a particular field plugin by its identifier, or all
   * available plugins (i.e., defined by hook_cer_fields()) if no identifier is given.
   * The aggregated result of hook_cer_fields() is statically cached.
  public static function getPluginInfo($identifier = NULL) {
    $info =& drupal_static(__METHOD__);
    if (!isset($info)) {
      $info = module_invoke_all('cer_fields');
      foreach ($info as $key => &$field) {
        $field += array(
          'identifier' => $key,
          'parents' => array(),
          'require parent' => FALSE,
          'handler' => 'CerFieldHandler',
      drupal_alter('cer_fields', $info);
    return $identifier ? isset($info[$identifier]) ? $info[$identifier] : NULL : $info;

   * Returns a single field plugin instance, by its identifier. All plugin instances
   * are statically cached.
   * @param string $identifier
   *  The plugin's identifier, in the format entity_type:bundle:field_name.
   * @return CerField
   * @throws Exception if there's no plugin for the given identifier. Why so harsh, you
   * ask? Because CerFieldChain::unpack() utterly depends on being able to get plugin
   * instances for every field in the chain, and if it can't, it could result in myriad
   * weird and serious problems. Throwing an exception will head that off at the pass.
  public static function getPlugin($identifier) {
    $instances =& drupal_static(__METHOD__);
    if (!isset($instances[$identifier])) {
      $info = self::getPluginInfo($identifier);
      if ($info) {
        $instances[$identifier] = new $info['class']($info);
      else {
        throw new Exception("Cannot get instance of invalid plugin {$identifier}.");
    return $instances[$identifier];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CerField::$fieldTypeLabel public property
CerField::$plugin protected property The plugin definition.
CerField::$settings protected property
CerField::getHandler public function Returns a CerFieldHandler subclass instance for the given entity.
CerField::getParents public function Overridden. Overrides FieldInstance::getParents
CerField::getPlugin public static function Returns a single field plugin instance, by its identifier. All plugin instances are statically cached.
CerField::getPluginInfo public static function Returns information about a particular field plugin by its identifier, or all available plugins (i.e., defined by hook_cer_fields()) if no identifier is given. The aggregated result of hook_cer_fields() is statically cached.
CerField::getTargetBundles public function Returns the bundles that this field instance can reference. 6
CerField::getTargetType abstract public function Gets the type of entity that can be referenced by this field, e.g. 'node'. 7
CerField::requireParent public function Overridden. Overrides FieldInstance::requireParent
CerField::__construct public function Constructor. Pretty self-explanatory! Overrides FieldInstance::__construct 1
FieldInstance::$bundle public property The instance bundle.
FieldInstance::$bundleLabel public property The human-readable label of the instance's bundle.
FieldInstance::$cardinality public property The cardinality (maximum values) the field supports, or FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED.
FieldInstance::$child protected property The child of this instance, if any.
FieldInstance::$entityType public property The instance's entity type.
FieldInstance::$entityTypeLabel public property The human-readable label of the instance's entity type.
FieldInstance::$isBundleable public property Whether or not this instance's entity type supports bundles.
FieldInstance::$label public property The instance's label.
FieldInstance::$name public property The field's machine name.
FieldInstance::$parent protected property The parent of this instance, if any.
FieldInstance::child public function Get or set the child of this field instance.
FieldInstance::parent public function Get or set the parent of this field instance.
FieldInstance::__toString public function