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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Corresponding Entity References 7.3

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CerBasicTestCase class tests/CerBasicTestCase.test
CerCommerceProductReferenceField class extensions/cer_commerce/ @file Contains a CER plugin for Commerce's Product Reference fields.
CerEndPointIterator class includes/ @class The purpose of this iterator is to wrap around all the "endpoints" in a field chain. An endpoint is a CerFieldHandler for a field that hasn't got a child. This is necessary in order to support infinite levels of embedded entities…
CerEntityContainerInterface interface includes/ @interface 2
CerEntityReferenceField class includes/fields/ @file Contains the CER plugin for Entity Reference fields.
CerField abstract class includes/ @class Represents a single field instance. 7
CerFieldChain class includes/ @file Contains the CerFieldChain class.
CerFieldChainHandler class includes/ @class Wraps around every CerFieldHandler object in a chain. In any given chain, there could be many entities that need to be processed -- think about multi-value field collections embedded within other multi-value field collections, and you…
CerFieldCollectionField class includes/fields/ @file Contains the CER plugin for Field Collection fields.
CerFieldHandler class includes/ @class Handles low-level operations for a single field on a single entity. Exposes methods to add, delete and check for references. This will also iterate over the references, returning each one as an EntityDrupalWrapper object.
CerNodeReferenceField class includes/fields/ @file Contains the CER plugin for Node Reference fields.
CerPreset class includes/ @file Contains the entity class for CER presets.
CerPresetController class includes/ The controller class for CerPreset entities.
CerPresetFeaturesController class includes/ Contains the controller class for exporting CER presets via Features.
CerPresetFinder class includes/ This class is a unified way for CER to find the presets that apply to a given entity. The result set is segmented into two parts: presets where the entity is on the left side, and bidirectional presets with the entity on the right side (i.e., the ones…
CerPresetHandler class includes/ @class Contains the logic for performing CER operations on a single entity, using a single preset.
CerPresetSelectionHandler class extensions/cer_entity_settings/plugins/entityreference/selection/CerPresetSelectionHandler.class.php
CerProfile2Field class extensions/cer_profile2/ @file Contains a CER field plugin for referencing Profile2 entities. These references are not actually fields at all, so this plugin is really more of a bridge to trick CER into thinking that Profile2 is a reference field.
CerTaxonomyTermReferenceField class includes/fields/ @file Contains the CER plugin for Taxonomy Term Reference fields.
CerUIController class includes/ Contains the controller class for CER's UI (i.e., preset management pages), used by Entity API.
CerUserReferenceField class includes/fields/ @file Contains the CER plugin for User Reference fields.
FieldChain class field_object/includes/ @class A doubly linked list of FieldInstance objects. 1
FieldHierarchy class field_object/includes/ @file Contains the FieldHierarchy class.
FieldInstance class field_object/includes/ 1

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