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function cer_node_insert in Corresponding Entity References 7.3

Implements hook_node_insert().


./cer.module, line 115


function cer_node_insert(StdClass $node) {

  // Write access grants *before* doing CER stuff in order to prevent a race condition.
  // This tricky bug can easily rear its ugly head if you have an Entity Reference field,
  // referencing nodes, and a node access module enabled.
  // Entity Reference's bundled selection handlers will use either EntityFieldQuery or
  // Views, both of which are affected by node access grants (and rightfully so).
  // However, when creating a node, core invokes hook_node_save() *before* it writes the
  // grants to the database, which can cause EntityFieldQuery (or Views, unless
  // configured to disable SQL rewriting) to return no results if the user isn't the
  // superuser. Since CER asks the field backend to validate the reference, this can
  // cause the reference to not be validated, and the cross-reference to fail.
  // Really, this is a core issue and not a CER issue. Core should be invoking
  // hook_node_save() AFTER it writes access info. But we can work around it by writing
  // the access info, doing our own processing, and then clearing the access info
  // so node_save() can write it cleanly. And that's what this does.
  // Hear that, core devs? Fix it fix it fix it!
  cer_processing_entity('insert', $node, 'node');
    ->condition('nid', $node->nid)