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function text_content_migrate_field_alter in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 7.3

Implements hook_content_migrate_field_alter().

Use this to tweak the conversion of field settings from the D6 style to the D7 style for specific situations not handled by basic conversion, as when field types or settings are changed.


modules/content_migrate/modules/, line 15 Code to implement Content Migrate hooks on behalf of the Text module.


function text_content_migrate_field_alter(&$field_value, $instance_value) {
  switch ($field_value['type']) {
    case 'text':

      // Text fields are translatable.
      // See the debate going on at
      // Reverting back to setting all nodes as untranslated.

      //$field_value['translatable'] = TRUE;
      switch ($instance_value['widget']['type']) {

        // Text fields using optionwidgets are
        // now List fields.
        case 'optionwidgets_buttons':
        case 'optionwidgets_select':
          $field_value['messages'][] = t("Changed field type: The '@field' field uses a '@widget' widget. The field type will be changed from '@type' to 'list_text'.", array(
            '@type' => $field_value['type'],
            '@field' => $field_value['field_name'],
            '@widget' => $instance_value['widget']['type'],
          $field_value['type'] = 'list_text';
          $field_value['module'] = 'list';

          // Lists don't have a max_length setting.
          if (isset($field_value['settings']['max_length'])) {
        case 'optionwidgets_onoff':
          $field_value['messages'][] = t("Changed field type: The '@field' field uses a '@widget' widget. The field type will be changed from '@type' to 'list_boolean'.", array(
            '@type' => $field_value['type'],
            '@field' => $field_value['field_name'],
            '@widget' => $instance_value['widget']['type'],
          $field_value['type'] = 'list_boolean';
          $field_value['module'] = 'list';

          // Lists don't have a max_length setting.
          if (isset($field_value['settings']['max_length'])) {

        // The max_length field can no longer be empty
        // or it will create a SQL error. There also have been
        // changes to the way text fields and widgets are configured.
        // In D6, if you left max_length empty CCK would create a long_text field,
        // even if you were using a textfield widget. In D7 it is not
        // possible to have a long_text field with a textfield widget.
        // We are now forced to figure out what to do with this data.
        // It is so easy to leave the length unset that it is likely that any
        // any field with a missing length that uses a textfield widget
        // was intended to be a varchar field, so we will make that change.
        case 'text_textarea':
          if (empty($field_value['settings']['max_length'])) {
            $field_value['type'] = 'text_long';
        case 'text_textfield':
          if (empty($field_value['settings']['max_length'])) {
            $field_value['type'] = 'text';
            $field_value['settings']['max_length'] = 255;
            $field_value['messages'][] = t("Invalid field/widget combination: The field '@field' in the bundle '@bundle' is an unlimited length field using a textfield widget, not allowed in D7. The field length will be set to 255.", array(
              '@field' => $field_value['field_name'],
              '@bundle' => $instance_value['bundle'],

      // The allowed values list should now be stored as an array.
      switch ($field_value['type']) {
        case 'list_text':
        case 'list_boolean':
          $allowed_values = array();
          $legacy_values = array();
          if (!empty($field_value['settings']['allowed_values'])) {
            $allowed_values = content_migrate_extract_allowed_values($field_value['settings']['allowed_values'], $field_value['type']);

            // Keep a copy of the legacy values.
            if (isset($allowed_values['legacy_values'])) {
              $legacy_values = $allowed_values['legacy_values'];
          $field_value['settings']['allowed_values'] = $allowed_values;
          $field_value['settings']['legacy_values'] = $legacy_values;