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Functions in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 7.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cck_allowed_values_form ./cck.module Add fields to allowed values form to allow users to input a function or a PHP snippet that will return the allowed values. 1
cck_allowed_values_php ./cck.module Callback to return allowed values constructed from php code snippet. 3
cck_allowed_values_validate ./cck.module Validation handler to store php allowed values. 1
cck_array_flatten ./cck.module Helper function to flatten an array of allowed values. 1
cck_content_migrate_field_alter ./cck.module Implements hook_content_migrate_field_alter().
cck_content_migrate_instance_alter ./cck.module Implements hook_content_migrate_instance_alter().
cck_debug_field_info ./cck.module
cck_default_value_form ./cck.module Add fields to default value form to allow users to input a function or a PHP snippet that will return the default values. 1
cck_default_value_php ./cck.module Callback to return default value constructed from php code snippet. 3
cck_default_value_validate ./cck.module Validation handler to store php default values. 1
cck_field_get_setting ./cck.module Helper function to retrieve field settings stored by CCK. 4
cck_field_set_setting ./cck.module Helper function to set field settings stored by CCK. 4
cck_form_alter ./cck.module Add fields to allowed values form to allow users to input a function or a PHP snippet that will return the allowed values.
cck_install ./cck.install Implementation of hook_install().
cck_permission ./cck.module Implementation of hook_perm().
cck_schema ./cck.install Implementation of hook_schema.
cck_serialized_settings ./cck.module We store all settings in a flat text field, but some settings will be arrays that need to be serialized and unserialized, like the default_value. 2
cck_uninstall ./cck.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
cck_update_7000 ./cck.install
content_migrate_drush_command modules/content_migrate/includes/ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
content_migrate_drush_help modules/content_migrate/includes/ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
content_migrate_extract_allowed_values modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function for migrating D6-style allowed values into D7 arrays. 3
content_migrate_get_field_values modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Create a D7-style field array from data stored in the D6 content field tables. 4
content_migrate_get_instance_values modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Create a D7-style instance array from data stored in the D6 content field tables. 4
content_migrate_get_options modules/content_migrate/includes/ Determine which fields can be migrated, have already been migrated, and are unable to be migrated due to missing modules. 3
content_migrate_install modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.install Transfer weights from the D6 Manage Fields screen to the D7 stored settings array. Do this once only, on install, so later changes to these values in the Field UI screen will not be overwritten.
content_migrate_menu modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Implements hook_menu().
content_migrate_new_columns modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function for figuring out column names to be used when storing D7 field data. 1
content_migrate_new_revision modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module 1
content_migrate_new_table modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function to find the table for a D7 field array. 2
content_migrate_old_columns modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function for finding the column names used for storing the D6 field data. 1
content_migrate_old_table modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function for finding the table name used to store the D6 field data. 1
content_migrate_rollback modules/content_migrate/includes/ Helper function to perform rollback. 3
content_migrate_rollback_submit modules/content_migrate/includes/ Submit handler. 1
content_migrate_select modules/content_migrate/includes/ Form generator for the migration selection form. 1
content_migrate_select_submit modules/content_migrate/includes/ Submit handler. 1
content_migrate_storage_type modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.module Helper function for finding the type of table used for storing the D6 field data. 2
drush_content_migrate_fields modules/content_migrate/includes/ Command callback.
drush_content_migrate_field_data modules/content_migrate/includes/
drush_content_migrate_field_structure modules/content_migrate/includes/
drush_content_migrate_get_fields modules/content_migrate/includes/ 2
drush_content_migrate_rollback modules/content_migrate/includes/ Command callback.
drush_content_migrate_status modules/content_migrate/includes/ Command callback.
file_content_migrate_data_record_alter modules/content_migrate/modules/ Implements hook_content_migrate_data_record_alter().
file_content_migrate_field_alter modules/content_migrate/modules/ Implements hook_content_migrate_field_alter().
file_content_migrate_instance_alter modules/content_migrate/modules/ Implements hook_content_migrate_instance_alter().
hook_content_migrate_data_record_alter modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.api.php Implement this hook to alter individual data records as they are migrated.
hook_content_migrate_field_alter modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.api.php Implement this hook to alter the field definition of the migrated content.
hook_content_migrate_instance_alter modules/content_migrate/content_migrate.api.php Implements this hook to alter the instance definition of the migrated content.
number_content_migrate_field_alter modules/content_migrate/modules/ Implements hook_content_migrate_field_alter().


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