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function content_field_edit_form_validate in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 includes/ \content_field_edit_form_validate()

Validate a field's settings.


includes/, line 1220
Administrative interface for content type creation.


function content_field_edit_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $form_values = $form_state['values'];
  if (isset($form_state['change_basic']) || $form_values['op'] == t('Change basic information')) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'content', 'includes/content.crud');
  $previous_field = unserialize($form_values['previous_field']);
  $field = content_field_instance_expand($form_values);
  $field['db_storage'] = content_storage_type($field);
  $field_types = _content_field_types();
  $field_type = $field_types[$field['type']];
  $widget_types = _content_widget_types();
  $widget_type = $widget_types[$field['widget']['type']];
  if ($dropped_data = content_alter_db_analyze($previous_field, $field)) {

    // @TODO
    // This is a change that might result in loss of data.
    // Add a confirmation form here.
    // dsm($dropped_data);
  module_invoke($widget_type['module'], 'widget_settings', 'validate', array_merge($field, $form_values));
  module_invoke($field_type['module'], 'field_settings', 'validate', array_merge($field, $form_values));

  // If content.module is handling the default value,
  // validate the result using the field validation.
  if (content_callback('widget', 'default value', $field) == CONTENT_CALLBACK_DEFAULT) {

    // If this is a programmed form, get rid of the default value widget,
    // we have the default values already.
    if ($form['#programmed']) {
        '#parents' => array(
      ), NULL, $form_state);
    if (isset($form_values['default_value_php']) && ($php = trim($form_values['default_value_php']))) {
      $error = FALSE;
      $return = eval($php);
      if (!is_array($return)) {
        $error = TRUE;
      else {
        foreach ($return as $item) {
          if (!is_array($item)) {
            $error = TRUE;
      if ($error) {
        $db_info = content_database_info($field);
        $columns = array_keys($db_info['columns']);
        foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
          $columns[$key] = t("'@column' => value for @column", array(
            '@column' => $column,
        $sample = t("return array(\n  0 => array(@columns),\n  // You'll usually want to stop here. Provide more values\n  // if you want your 'default value' to be multi-valued:\n  1 => array(@columns),\n  2 => ...\n);", array(
          '@columns' => implode(', ', $columns),
        form_set_error('default_value_php', t('The default value PHP code returned an incorrect value.<br/>Expected format: <pre>!sample</pre> Returned value: @value', array(
          '!sample' => $sample,
          '@value' => print_r($return, TRUE),
      else {
        $default_value = $return;
        $is_code = TRUE;
          '#parents' => array(
        ), $php, $form_state);
          '#parents' => array(
        ), array(), $form_state);
    elseif (!empty($form_values['default_value_widget'])) {

      // Fields that handle their own multiple values may use an expected
      // value as the top-level key, so just pop off the top element.
      $key = array_shift(array_keys($form_values['default_value_widget']));
      $default_value = $form_values['default_value_widget'][$key];
      $is_code = FALSE;
        '#parents' => array(
      ), '', $form_state);
        '#parents' => array(
      ), $default_value, $form_state);
    if (isset($default_value)) {
      $node = array();
      $node[$form_values['field_name']] = $default_value;
      $field['required'] = FALSE;
      $field_function = $field_type['module'] . '_field';
      $errors_before = form_get_errors();

      // Widget now does its own validation, should be no need
      // to add anything for widget validation here.
      if (function_exists($field_function)) {
        $field_function('validate', $node, $field, $default_value, $form, NULL);

      // The field validation routine won't set an error on the right field,
      // so set it here.
      $errors_after = form_get_errors();
      if (count($errors_after) > count($errors_before)) {
        if (trim($form_values['default_value_php'])) {
          form_set_error('default_value_php', t("The PHP code for 'default value' returned @value, which is invalid.", array(
            '@value' => print_r($default_value, TRUE),
        else {
          form_set_error('default_value', t('The default value is invalid.'));