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Files in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
fieldgroup-simple.tpl.php modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup-simple.tpl.php fieldgroup-simple.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display the a 'simple-styled' fieldgroup.
fieldgroup.css modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.css div.fieldgroup { margin:.5em 0 1em 0; } div.fieldgroup .content { padding-left:1em;/*LTR*/ } modules/fieldgroup/ name = Fieldgroup description = Create display groups for CCK fields. dependencies[] = content package = CCK core = 6.x
fieldgroup.install modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.install Implementation of hook_install().
fieldgroup.module modules/fieldgroup/fieldgroup.module Create field groups for CCK fields.
fields.html help/fields.html
manage-fields.html help/manage-fields.html
nodereference.html modules/nodereference/help/nodereference.html modules/nodereference/ name = Node Reference description = Defines a field type for referencing one node from another. dependencies[] = content dependencies[] = text dependencies[] = optionwidgets package = CCK core = 6.x
nodereference.install modules/nodereference/nodereference.install Implementation of hook_install().
nodereference.module modules/nodereference/nodereference.module Defines a field type for referencing one node from another. modules/nodereference/ Provides additional rules support for nodereference fields. modules/nodereference/ Provides tokens for nodereference fields. modules/nodereference/panels/relationships/ Implements the node reference relationship for Panels.
number.html modules/number/help/number.html modules/number/ name = Number description = Defines numeric field types. dependencies[] = content package = CCK core = 6.x
number.install modules/number/number.install Implementation of hook_install().
number.module modules/number/number.module Defines numeric field types. modules/number/ Provides tokens for number fields.
optionwidgets.html modules/optionwidgets/help/optionwidgets.html modules/optionwidgets/ name = Option Widgets description = Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields. dependencies[] = content package = CCK core = 6.x
optionwidgets.install modules/optionwidgets/optionwidgets.install Implementation of hook_install().
optionwidgets.module modules/optionwidgets/optionwidgets.module Defines selection, check box and radio button widgets for text and numeric fields.
README.txt README.txt Content Construction Kit ------------------------ NOTE: Install the advanced_help module ( to access more help (writing still in progress...) To install, place the entire CCK folder into your modules…
README.txt modules/content_multigroup/README.txt Ongoing work on the multigroup module has moved to the experimental CCK 3.0 branch.
rearrange.html help/rearrange.html
remove.html help/remove.html
text.html modules/text/help/text.html modules/text/ name = Text description = Defines simple text field types. dependencies[] = content package = CCK core = 6.x
text.install modules/text/text.install Implementation of hook_install().
text.module modules/text/text.module Defines simple text field types. modules/text/ Provides tokens for text fields.
theme-field-templates.html help/theme-field-templates.html
theme-formatters.html help/theme-formatters.html
theme-node-templates.html help/theme-node-templates.html
theme.html help/theme.html theme/ Theme preprocess function for content-admin-field-overview-form.tpl.php.
UPGRADE.txt UPGRADE.txt ================================================================ UPDATING FROM VERSION 4.7 to 6.x ================================================================ THERE IS NO DIRECT UPGRADE PATH FROM 4.7 TO 6.x!! FIRST UPGRADE YOUR DATABASE FROM 4.7…
userreference.html modules/userreference/help/userreference.html modules/userreference/ name = User Reference description = Defines a field type for referencing a user from a node. dependencies[] = content dependencies[] = text dependencies[] = optionwidgets package = CCK core = 6.x
userreference.install modules/userreference/userreference.install Implementation of hook_install().
userreference.module modules/userreference/userreference.module Defines a field type for referencing a user from a node. modules/userreference/ Provides additional rules support for userreference fields. modules/userreference/ Provides tokens for userreference fields. modules/userreference/panels/relationships/ Implements the user reference relationship for Panels.


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