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theme-field-templates.html in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.2

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  1. 6.3 help/theme-field-templates.html


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<p>Field-level theming determines how the values of a given field are
displayed. The resulting output ends up in the <span class="code">$content</span>
and <span class="code">$&lt;FIELD_NAME&gt;_rendered</span> variables in the node

<h3>Template files</h3>

<p>In order to customize field themeing:</p>

    Copy the <span class="code">content-field.tpl.php</span> template file into
    your theme's root folder (please keep the contents of the
    <span class="code">cck/theme</span> folder untouched. For the same reason,
     need to copy the file instead of just moving it).
    Edit that copy to your liking. See the comments in
    <span class="code">cck/theme/content/content-field.tpl.php</span> for a list
    of all variables available in this template.

<h3>Template suggestions</h3>

<p>In addition, the theme layer will also look for field-specific variants
(suggestions), in the following order of precedence:</p>

    ex: <span class="code">content-field-field_myfield-story.tpl.php</span> -
    If present, will be used to theme the 'field_myfield' field when displaying
    a 'story' node.

    ex: <span class="code">content-field-story.tpl.php</span> - If present,
    will be used to theme all fields of 'story' nodes.

    ex: <span class="code">content-field-field_myfield.tpl.php</span> -
    If present, will be used to theme all 'field_myfield' field in all the
    content types it appears in.

    If none of the above is present, the base template will be used.

    Suggestions work only if the theme also has the base template file.
    If your theme has <span class="code">content-field-*.tpl.php</span> files,
    it must also have a <span class="code">content-field.tpl.php</span> file.
    Whenever you add new template files in your theme, you need to
    rebuild the theme registry, or the theme engine won't see them.<br/>
    You can do that by :<br/>
    - visiting the <a href="&base_url&admin/build/modules">Administer modules</a> page<br/>
    - or using <a href="">Devel module</a>'s
    'clear cache' link.

<p>See the <a href="">Working with template suggestions</a>
section of the <a href="">Theme guide for Drupal 6</a>
for more informations about templates and template suggestions.</p>