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theme-node-templates.html in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.2

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  1. 6.3 help/theme-node-templates.html


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<h3>Template files</h3>

<p>All themes usually come with a default <span class="code">node.tpl.php</span>
template. Drupal core lets you use the following variant (suggestion):</p>

    ex: <span class="code">node-story.tpl.php</span> - If present, will be used
    to theme a 'story' node.

<p><strong>Important:</strong> whenever you add new template files in your theme, you
need to rebuild the theme registry, or the theme engine won't see them.<br/>
You can do that by :<br/>
- visiting the <a href="&base_url&admin/build/modules">Administer modules</a> page<br/>
- or using <a href="">Devel module</a>'s
'clear cache' link.</p>

<h3>Template variables</h3>

<p>CCK makes the following variables available in your theme's node templates:</p>

    Contains the rendered html for the field, including the label and all the
    field's values, with the settings defined on the <strong>Display fields</strong> tab.

    Contains the rendered html for the fieldgroup (if any), including the label
    and all the group's fields, with the settings defined on the <strong>Display
    fields</strong> tab.<br/>
    This variable therefore includes the html contained in all the
    <span class="code">$&lt;FIELD_NAME&gt;_rendered</span> variables for the
    group's fields.

    Contains the raw values of the fields, in the usual array-format used
    internally by CCK. What you find in there depends on the field type.<br/>
    Each value also contains a <span class="code">'view'</span> element, that
    holds the ready-to-display value as rendered by the formatter. For instance:
  0 => array(
    'nid' => 5,
    'view' => '&lt;a href="node/5"&gt;Title of node 5&lt;/a&gt;',
    <strong>Raw data are not sanitized for output, it is therefore not
    advised to use them directly</strong>. Use the <span class="code">'view'</span>
    value, or run the values through <span class="code">content_format()</span>.

<h3>Excluding fields from the $content variable</h3>

<p>By default, the <span class="code">$content</span> variable used in node
templates contains the rendered html for the whole node : CCK fields and
fieldgroups, but also body, file attachments, fivestar widgets, ...</p>

<p>If for some fields you want to use the more fine-grained variables described
above, you might want to use the <strong>Exclude</strong> checkboxes on the <strong>Display
fields</strong> screen, so that the output of those fields is excluded from the
<span class="code">$content</span> variable.</p>

<p>You can then customize the display and layout of some CCK fields or groups
using the <span class="code">$&lt;FIELD_NAME&gt;_rendered</span> /
<span class="code">$&lt;GROUP_NAME&gt;_rendered</span> variables, and trust
<span class="code">$content</span> to display 'the rest' without getting
duplicate information.</p>

<h5>Advanced trick</h5>
<p>The <strong>Exclude</strong> checkboxes affect all active themes. On sites with multiple
themes, however, the list of fields to exclude from <span class="code">$content</span>
might need to be different across the themes, depending on how their respective
node templates are structured.</p>

<p>A theme can bypass those settings by overriding the <span class="code">theme_content_exclude()</span>
function to specify the list of fields to exclude for this theme (see the
PHPDoc of the function for more information).</p>

<h3>Special case : nodes in nodereference fields</h3>

<p>In addition to the above, the following suggestions will be looked for
in priority for nodes that are displayed as values of a nodereference field using
the 'teaser' or 'full node' formatters:</p>

    ex: <span class="code">node-nodereference-field_noderef-story.tpl.php</span> -
    If present, will be used to theme a 'story' node when refererenced in the
    'field_noderef' field.

    ex: <span class="code">node-nodereference-story.tpl.php</span> - If present,
    will be used to theme a 'story' node when refererenced in any nodereference

    ex: <span class="code">node-nodereference-field_noderef.tpl.php</span> - If
    present, will be used to a node refererenced in the 'field_noderef' field.

    If present, will be used to theme nodes referenced in nodereference fields.

<p>The following additional variables are available in templates for referenced nodes:</p>

  <dd>The nodereference field that references the current node.</dd>

  <dd>The node referencing the current node.</dd>