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class CasAttributesSubscriberTest in CAS Attributes 8

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  1. 2.x tests/src/Unit/Subscriber/CasAttributesSubscriberTest.php \Drupal\Tests\cas_attributes\Unit\Subscriber\CasAttributesSubscriberTest

CasAttributesSubscriber unit tests.

@group cas_attributes


Expanded class hierarchy of CasAttributesSubscriberTest


tests/src/Unit/Subscriber/CasAttributesSubscriberTest.php, line 18


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class CasAttributesSubscriberTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The mocked UserInterface account.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $account;

   * The mocked token service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Utility\Token|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $tokenService;

   * The mocked CasPropertyBag.
   * @var \Drupal\cas\CasPropertyBag|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $propertyBag;

   * The mocked Request Stack.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  protected $requestStack;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->account = $this
    $this->tokenService = $this
    $this->propertyBag = $this
    $this->requestStack = $this

   * Test the field mapping functionality for username.
   * @dataProvider mapFieldsOnLogin
  public function testMapFieldsOnLogin($mappings, $attributes, $overwrite, $empty) {
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'field.mappings' => $mappings,
        'field.overwrite' => $overwrite,
        'field.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
    if ($empty || $overwrite) {
        ->with('name', $attributes[$mappings['name']][0]);
    else {
    $event = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $this->propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

   * Provide parameters for testMapFieldsOnLogin.
   * @return array
   *   Parameters.
   * @see \Drupal\Tests\cas_attributes\Unit\Subscriber\CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testMapFieldsOnLogin
  public function mapFieldsOnLogin() {
    $params[] = [
        'name' => 'usernameAttribute',
        'usernameAttribute' => [
    $params[] = [
        'name' => 'usernameAttribute',
        'usernameAttribute' => [
    $params[] = [
        'name' => 'usernameAttribute',
        'usernameAttribute' => [
    $params[] = [
        'name' => 'usernameAttribute',
        'usernameAttribute' => [
    return $params;

   * Callback function for the mocked token replacement service.
   * @param string $input
   *   The string containing a token.
   * @param array $data
   *   Data for the token replacement.
   * @return string
   *   The token replacement.
  public function tokenReplace($input, array $data) {

    // We don't particularly care about token replacement logic in this test,
    // only that it happens we want it to. So for the purposes of this test,
    // we use very simple fake token syntax.
    $supplied_attribute = preg_replace('/\\[|\\]/', '', $input);
    if (isset($data['cas_attributes']) && is_array($data['cas_attributes'])) {
      if (isset($data['cas_attributes'][$supplied_attribute])) {
        return $data['cas_attributes'][$supplied_attribute][0];

    // No match, just return the input.
    return $input;

   * Verifies the 'deny registration feature' when no roles map to user.
  public function testDenyRegistrationOnNoRoleMatch() {

    // Set up a role/attr mapping config and configure CAS Attributes to DENY
    // registration when no role/attr mapping can be established for a user.
    $roleMapping = [
        'rid' => $this
        'method' => 'exact_any',
        'attribute' => 'fruit',
        'value' => 'apple',
        'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
        'role.deny_registration_no_match' => TRUE,
        'role.mappings' => $roleMapping,

    // Give the user an attribute that does not match our role mapping.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [

    // Now call the preRegister method and confirm that the user would be
    // denied registration.
    $preRegisterEvent = new CasPreRegisterEvent($propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

    // Give the user an attribute that maps to one of the roles, and confirm
    // they are no longer denied.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [
    $preRegisterEvent = new CasPreRegisterEvent($propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

    // Update configuration so that registration will not be denied when no role
    // mapping match exists.
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.deny_registration_no_match' => FALSE,
        'role.role_mapping' => $roleMapping,

    // Give a user an incorrect attribute value, and confirm they can still
    // register.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [
    $preRegisterEvent = new CasPreRegisterEvent($propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

   * Verifies the 'deny login feature' when no roles map to user.
  public function testDenyLoginOnNoRoleMatch() {

    // Set up a role/attr mapping config and configure CAS Attributes to DENY
    // login when no role/attr mapping can be established for a user.
    $roleMapping = [
        'rid' => $this
        'method' => 'exact_any',
        'attribute' => 'fruit',
        'value' => 'apple',
        'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
        'role.deny_login_no_match' => TRUE,
        'role.mappings' => $roleMapping,

    // Give the user an attribute that does not match our role mapping.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [

    // Now call the preRegister method and confirm that the user would be
    // denied login.
    $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

    // Give the user an attribute that maps to one of the roles, and confirm
    // they are no longer denied.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [
    $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

    // Update configuration so that login will not be denied when no role
    // mapping match exists.
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
        'role.deny_login_no_match' => FALSE,
        'role.mappings' => $roleMapping,

    // Give a user an incorrect attribute value, and confirm they can still
    // log in.
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [
    $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

   * Tests role mapping comparison methods work as expected on registration.
   * @dataProvider roleMappingComparisonMethodsDataProvider
  public function testRoleMappingComparisonMethodsOnRegistration($scenarioData) {
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
        'role.mappings' => $scenarioData['mappings'],
    $event = new CasPreRegisterEvent($this->propertyBag);
      ->setPropertyValue('roles', $scenarioData['roles_before']);
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);
      ->assertEquals($scenarioData['roles_after'], $event

   * Provides data for testing role mapping scenarioes.
   * @return array
   *   Parameters.
  public function roleMappingComparisonMethodsDataProvider() {
    $scenarios = [];

    // Role B should be added because the user has the exact attribute we're
    // looking for.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'bananas',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // Role B will NOT be added because the value we're looking for is not an
    // exact match with that the user has.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'banan',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // Here we make sure that two role mappings that each add different roles
    // will work as expected.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
          'attrB' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'bananas',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
            'rid' => 'roleC',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrB',
            'value' => 'cucumbers',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // Role B should not be added, because even though the attribute value
    // we're checking exists, it's part of a multi-value array, and the
    // method only works if it's a single value array.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'bananas',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // However if we switch the method to variation that searches all items
    // in the attribute value array, it should work.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_any',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'bananas',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // Role A should be REMOVED from the user, because it's mapping fails.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'attrA' => [
          'attrB' => [
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'roleA',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrA',
            'value' => 'cherries',
            'remove_without_match' => TRUE,
            'rid' => 'roleB',
            'method' => 'exact_single',
            'attribute' => 'attrB',
            'value' => 'cucumbers',
            'remove_without_match' => FALSE,

    // Test that the 'contains' method works as expected. Student role should
    // be added because the value to check appears as a substring in the actual
    // value.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [],
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'groups' => [
            'Linux User',
            'First Year Student',
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'student',
            'method' => 'contains_any',
            'attribute' => 'groups',
            'value' => 'Student',
            'remove_without_match' => TRUE,

    // Test that the 'regex' method works as expected. Student role should be
    // added because the regex checking for a value passes.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [],
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'groups' => [
            'Linux User',
            'First Year Student',
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'student',
            'method' => 'regex_any',
            'attribute' => 'groups',
            'value' => '/.+student$/i',
            'remove_without_match' => TRUE,

    // Test that the 'negate' flag works.
    $scenarios[] = [
        'roles_before' => [],
        'roles_after' => [
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'groups' => [
            'Linux User',
            'First Year Student',
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'undergrad',
            'method' => 'contains_any',
            'attribute' => 'groups',
            'value' => 'Graduate Student',
            'negate' => TRUE,
            'remove_without_match' => TRUE,
        'roles_before' => [],
        'roles_after' => [],
        'attributes_user_has' => [
          'groups' => [
            'Linux User',
            'Graduate Student',
        'mappings' => [
            'rid' => 'undergrad',
            'method' => 'contains_any',
            'attribute' => 'groups',
            'value' => 'Graduate Student',
            'negate' => TRUE,
            'remove_without_match' => TRUE,
    return $scenarios;

   * Tests that role mapping works as expected during login.
  public function testRoleMappingOnLogin() {
    $role_map = [
        'rid' => 'bananarole',
        'method' => 'exact_single',
        'attribute' => 'fruit',
        'value' => 'banana',
        'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
        'rid' => 'orangerole',
        'method' => 'exact_single',
        'attribute' => 'fruit',
        'value' => 'orange',
        'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
    $config_factory = $this
      'cas_attributes.settings' => [
        'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
        'role.mappings' => $role_map,

    // Just one role should be added to the user, since the other
    // doesn't have an attribute match.
    $account = $this
    $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
      ->setAttribute('fruit', [
    $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);
    $event = new CasPreLoginEvent($account, $propertyBag);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::$account protected property The mocked UserInterface account.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::$propertyBag protected property The mocked CasPropertyBag.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::$requestStack protected property The mocked Request Stack.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::$tokenService protected property The mocked token service.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::mapFieldsOnLogin public function Provide parameters for testMapFieldsOnLogin.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::roleMappingComparisonMethodsDataProvider public function Provides data for testing role mapping scenarioes.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::setUp protected function Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testDenyLoginOnNoRoleMatch public function Verifies the 'deny login feature' when no roles map to user.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testDenyRegistrationOnNoRoleMatch public function Verifies the 'deny registration feature' when no roles map to user.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testMapFieldsOnLogin public function Test the field mapping functionality for username.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testRoleMappingComparisonMethodsOnRegistration public function Tests role mapping comparison methods work as expected on registration.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testRoleMappingOnLogin public function Tests that role mapping works as expected during login.
CasAttributesSubscriberTest::tokenReplace public function Callback function for the mocked token replacement service.
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait::getMock Deprecated public function Returns a mock object for the specified class using the available method.
PhpunitCompatibilityTrait::setExpectedException Deprecated public function Compatibility layer for PHPUnit 6 to support PHPUnit 4 code.
UnitTestCase::$randomGenerator protected property The random generator.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root. 1
UnitTestCase::assertArrayEquals protected function Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first.
UnitTestCase::getBlockMockWithMachineName Deprecated protected function Mocks a block with a block plugin. 1
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::randomMachineName public function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.