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public function CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testDenyLoginOnNoRoleMatch in CAS Attributes 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 2.x tests/src/Unit/Subscriber/CasAttributesSubscriberTest.php \Drupal\Tests\cas_attributes\Unit\Subscriber\CasAttributesSubscriberTest::testDenyLoginOnNoRoleMatch()

Verifies the 'deny login feature' when no roles map to user.


tests/src/Unit/Subscriber/CasAttributesSubscriberTest.php, line 243


CasAttributesSubscriber unit tests.




public function testDenyLoginOnNoRoleMatch() {

  // Set up a role/attr mapping config and configure CAS Attributes to DENY
  // login when no role/attr mapping can be established for a user.
  $roleMapping = [
      'rid' => $this
      'method' => 'exact_any',
      'attribute' => 'fruit',
      'value' => 'apple',
      'remove_without_match' => FALSE,
  $config_factory = $this
    'cas_attributes.settings' => [
      'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
      'role.deny_login_no_match' => TRUE,
      'role.mappings' => $roleMapping,

  // Give the user an attribute that does not match our role mapping.
  $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
    ->setAttribute('fruit', [

  // Now call the preRegister method and confirm that the user would be
  // denied login.
  $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
  $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

  // Give the user an attribute that maps to one of the roles, and confirm
  // they are no longer denied.
  $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
    ->setAttribute('fruit', [
  $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
  $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);

  // Update configuration so that login will not be denied when no role
  // mapping match exists.
  $config_factory = $this
    'cas_attributes.settings' => [
      'role.sync_frequency' => CasAttributesSettings::SYNC_FREQUENCY_EVERY_LOGIN,
      'role.deny_login_no_match' => FALSE,
      'role.mappings' => $roleMapping,

  // Give a user an incorrect attribute value, and confirm they can still
  // log in.
  $propertyBag = new CasPropertyBag('test');
    ->setAttribute('fruit', [
  $preLoginEvent = new CasPreLoginEvent($this->account, $propertyBag);
  $subscriber = new CasAttributesSubscriber($config_factory, $this->tokenService, $this->requestStack);