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captcha.settings.yml in CAPTCHA 8



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  1. # Schema for the configuration files of the captcha module.
  2. #wrong_response_counter
  3. captcha.settings:
  4. type: config_object
  5. label: 'External Links Settings'
  6. mapping:
  7. enabled_default:
  8. type: integer
  9. label: 'Add captcha to all forms.'
  10. default_challenge:
  11. type: string
  12. label: 'The default challenge for captcha.'
  13. description:
  14. type: label
  15. label: 'The default captcha description.'
  16. administration_mode:
  17. type: boolean
  18. label: 'Add CAPTCHA administration links to forms'
  19. allow_on_admin_pages:
  20. type: boolean
  21. label: 'Allow CAPTCHAs and CAPTCHA administration links on administrative pages'
  22. add_captcha_description:
  23. type: boolean
  24. label: 'Add a description to the CAPTCHA'
  25. wrong_captcha_response_message:
  26. type: label
  27. label: 'The error message when a user has entered an incorrect CAPTCHA answer.'
  28. default_validation:
  29. type: integer
  30. label: 'Default CAPTCHA validation'
  31. persistence:
  32. type: integer
  33. label: 'CAPTCHA Persistence'
  34. enable_stats:
  35. type: boolean
  36. label: 'Enable statistics'
  37. log_wrong_responses:
  38. type: boolean
  39. label: 'Log wrong responses'