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CaptchaTest.php in CAPTCHA 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\captcha\Functional;

use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;

 * Tests CAPTCHA main test case sensitivity.
 * @group captcha
class CaptchaTest extends CaptchaWebTestBase {
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * Testing the protection of the user log in form.
  public function testCaptchaOnLoginForm() {

    // Create user and test log in without CAPTCHA.
    $user = $this

    // Log out again.

    // Set a CAPTCHA on login form.

    /* @var \Drupal\captcha\Entity\CaptchaPoint $captcha_point */
    $captcha_point = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Check if there is a CAPTCHA on the login form (look for the title).

    // Try to log in, which should fail.
    $edit = [
      'name' => $user
      'pass' => $user->pass_raw,
      'captcha_response' => '?',
      ->submitForm($edit, $this
      ->t('Log in'), self::LOGIN_HTML_FORM_ID);

    // Check for error message.
      ->pageTextContains(self::CAPTCHA_WRONG_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGE, 'CAPTCHA should block user login form', 'CAPTCHA');

    // And make sure that user is not logged in:
    // check for name and password fields on ?q=user.

   * Testing the response error menssage.
  public function testCaptchaResponseErrorMenssage() {

    // Customize the response error message.
    $customized_menssage = 'The answer you entered is wrong.';
    $edit = [
      'wrong_captcha_response_message' => $customized_menssage,
      ->submitForm($edit, $this
      ->t('Save configuration'));

    // Set a CAPTCHA on login form.

    /* @var \Drupal\captcha\Entity\CaptchaPoint $captcha_point */
    $captcha_point = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Check if the menssage is default.

    // Try to log in, which should fail.
    $edit = [
      'name' => $this->adminUser
      'pass' => $this->adminUser->pass_raw,
      'captcha_response' => '?',
      ->submitForm($edit, $this
      ->t('Log in'), self::LOGIN_HTML_FORM_ID);
      ->pageTextContains($customized_menssage, 'CAPTCHA should block user login form', 'CAPTCHA');

   * Assert function for testing if comment posting works as it should.
   * Creates node with comment writing enabled, tries to post comment
   * with given CAPTCHA response (caller should enable the desired
   * challenge on page node comment forms) and checks if
   * the result is as expected.
   * @param string $captcha_response
   *   The response on the CAPTCHA.
   * @param bool $should_pass
   *   Describing if the posting should pass or should be blocked.
   * @param string $message
   *   To prefix to nested asserts.
  protected function assertCommentPosting($captcha_response, $should_pass, $message) {

    // Make sure comments on pages can be saved directly without preview.
      ->set('comment_preview_page', DRUPAL_OPTIONAL);

    // Create a node with comments enabled.
    $node = $this

    // Post comment on node.
    $edit = $this
    $comment_subject = $edit['subject[0][value]'];
    $comment_body = $edit['comment_body[0][value]'];
    $edit['captcha_response'] = $captcha_response;
      ->drupalGet('comment/reply/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/comment');
      ->submitForm($edit, $this
      ->t('Save'), 'comment-form');
    if ($should_pass) {

      // There should be no error message.

      // Get node page and check that comment shows up.
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
        ->pageTextContains($comment_subject, $message . ' Comment should show up on node page.', 'CAPTCHA');
        ->pageTextContains($comment_body, $message . ' Comment should show up on node page.', 'CAPTCHA');
    else {

      // Check for error message.
        ->pageTextContains(self::CAPTCHA_WRONG_RESPONSE_ERROR_MESSAGE, $message . ' Comment submission should be blocked.', 'CAPTCHA');

      // Get node page and check that comment is not present.
        ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
        ->pageTextNotContains($comment_subject, $message . ' Comment should not show up on node page.', 'CAPTCHA');
        ->pageTextNotContains($comment_body, $message . ' Comment should not show up on node page.', 'CAPTCHA');

   * Testing the case sensitive/insensitive validation.
  public function testCaseInsensitiveValidation() {
    $config = $this

    // Set Test CAPTCHA on comment form.
    captcha_set_form_id_setting(self::COMMENT_FORM_ID, 'captcha/Test');

    // Log in as normal user.

    // Test case sensitive posting.
      ->set('default_validation', CAPTCHA_DEFAULT_VALIDATION_CASE_SENSITIVE);
      ->assertCommentPosting('Test 123', TRUE, 'Case sensitive validation of right casing.');
      ->assertCommentPosting('test 123', FALSE, 'Case sensitive validation of wrong casing.');
      ->assertCommentPosting('TEST 123', FALSE, 'Case sensitive validation of wrong casing.');

    // Test case insensitive posting (the default).
      ->set('default_validation', CAPTCHA_DEFAULT_VALIDATION_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
      ->assertCommentPosting('Test 123', TRUE, 'Case insensitive validation of right casing.');
      ->assertCommentPosting('test 123', TRUE, 'Case insensitive validation of wrong casing.');
      ->assertCommentPosting('TEST 123', TRUE, 'Case insensitive validation of wrong casing.');

   * Test if the CAPTCHA description is only shown with  challenge widgets.
   * For example, when a comment is previewed with correct CAPTCHA answer,
   * a challenge is generated and added to the form but removed in the
   * pre_render phase. The CAPTCHA description should not show up either.
   * @see testCaptchaSessionReuseOnNodeForms()
  public function testCaptchaDescriptionAfterCommentPreview() {

    // Set Test CAPTCHA on comment form.
    captcha_set_form_id_setting(self::COMMENT_FORM_ID, 'captcha/Test');

    // Log in as normal user.

    // Create a node with comments enabled.
    $node = $this

    // Preview comment with correct CAPTCHA answer.
    $edit = $this
    $edit['captcha_response'] = 'Test 123';
      ->drupalGet('comment/reply/node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/comment');
      ->submitForm($edit, $this

    // Check that there is no CAPTCHA after preview.

   * Test if the CAPTCHA session ID is reused when previewing nodes.
   * Node preview after correct response should not show CAPTCHA anymore.
   * The preview functionality of comments and nodes works
   * slightly different under the hood.
   * CAPTCHA module should be able to handle both.
   * @see testCaptchaDescriptionAfterCommentPreview()
  public function testCaptchaSessionReuseOnNodeForms() {

    // Set Test CAPTCHA on page form.
    captcha_set_form_id_setting('node_page_form', 'captcha/Test');

    // Log in as normal user.

    // Page settings to post, with correct CAPTCHA answer.
    $edit = $this
    $edit['captcha_response'] = 'Test 123';
      ->submitForm($edit, $this

   * CAPTCHA should be put on admin pages even if visitor has no access.
  public function testCaptchaOnLoginBlockOnAdminPagesIssue893810() {

    // Set a CAPTCHA on login block form.

    /* @var \Drupal\captcha\Entity\CaptchaPoint $captcha_point */
    $captcha_point = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    // Enable the user login block.
      ->drupalPlaceBlock('user_login_block', [
      'id' => 'login',

    // Check if there is a CAPTCHA on home page.

    // Check there is a CAPTCHA on "forbidden" admin pages.

   * Test that forms with IDs exceeding 64 characters can be assigned captchas.
  public function testLongFormId() {

    // We add the form manually so we can mimic the character
    // truncation of the label field as formId.
    $label = 'this_formid_is_intentionally_longer_than_64_characters_to_test_captcha';

    // Truncated to 64 chars so it can be a machine name.
    $formId = substr($label, 0, 64);
    $form_values = [
      'label' => $label,
      'formId' => $formId,
      'captchaType' => 'captcha/Math',

    // Create intentionally long id Captcha Point.
      ->drupalGet(self::CAPTCHA_ADMIN_PATH . '/captcha-points/add');
      ->submitForm($form_values, $this
      ->t('Captcha Point for %label form was created.', [
      '%label' => $formId,

    // We need to log out to test the captcha.

    // Navigate to the form with a >64 char id and confirm there is Captcha.



Namesort descending Description
CaptchaTest Tests CAPTCHA main test case sensitivity.