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function theme_calendar_ical_field in Calendar 5.2

Views field theme for an ical field.

Used for table and list views.

For non-calendar views that use fields, the field needs a value from the imported node that matches the kind of field in the view. Most possible Views fields make no sense here and will return nothing.


./calendar_ical.module, line 389
Adds ical functionality to Calendar.


function theme_calendar_ical_field($fieldname, $fields, $field, $node, $view, $type) {
  static $datefield;

  // Find the first date field in the view to attach the ical date to.
  // There may be more than one date field in the view and we only
  // want to put the ical field in one place.
  if (empty($datefield)) {
    $calendar_fields = calendar_fields();
    foreach ($view->field as $viewfield) {
      if (in_array($viewfield['field'], array_keys($calendar_fields))) {
        $datefield = $viewfield['queryname'];

  // Check plain may leave html entities in the title.
  $node->title = html_entity_decode(check_plain($node->title), ENT - QUOTES);
  $node->teaser = check_markup($node->teaser);

  // Fix some common html entities that may not get decoded correctly.
  // You can add more of them in this array.
  $replace = array(
    ''' => "'",
  foreach (array(
  ) as $key) {
    $node->{$key} = strtr($node->{$key}, $replace);
  if ($fieldname == $datefield) {
    return theme('calendar_date_combo', $field, $node, '', $view);
  switch ($field['fullname']) {
    case 'node.title':
      return l($node->title, $node->url);
    case 'node.teaser':
    case 'node.body':
      return $node->teaser;
    case 'node.type':
      return $node->label;