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Files in Calendar 5.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
calendar.css calendar.css /* @group calendar */ .calendar-calendar tr.odd, .calendar-calendar tr.even { background-color:#fff; } .calendar-calendar table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; margin:0 auto; padding:0; width: 100%; /* Setting at 100%… All the code used while processing a calendar is stored in this file and is included only when needed. name = Calendar description = Views plugin to display views containing dates as Calendars. package = Date/Time dependencies = views date_api date_timezone
calendar.install calendar.install Install File
calendar.module calendar.module Adds calendar filtering and displays to Views.
calendar.theme calendar.theme This file contains administrative functions used only when setting up the calendar and views_hooks() that are called infrequently and cached. No need to parse all this code the rest of the time. name = Calendar iCal description = Adds ical functionality to Calendar views. package = Date/Time dependencies = views date_api calendar
calendar_ical.install calendar_ical.install
calendar_ical.module calendar_ical.module Adds ical functionality to Calendar. Setup and admin functions.
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Views Calendar 5.x ================== Version 5.2 dev =============== - #361925 Body was missing in iCal export, needs a node_load() in the theme to work. - #444526 Fix typo in variable name for calendar truncation. - #427996 Calendar more link…
jcalendar.css jcalendar/jcalendar.css div#calpopup { display: block; border: thin solid gray; /* This is css3 stuff that will not work in IE<=8. * What is here is a curved border for firefox and webkit * and a drop shadow that will only appear in webkit. **/ … jcalendar/ name = Calendar Popup description = "Replaces the links to calendar items with a javascript popup that gracefully regresses if javascript is not enabled" dependencies = calendar views package = Date/Time
jcalendar.module jcalendar/jcalendar.module jQuery Calendar UI features.
readme.txt readme.txt The module includes a plug-in theme for Views to display available date fields in calendar displays. To use it, select the Calendar display as the page type for your view and add any date fields you want to display on the calendar as fields to the…
Readme.txt jcalendar/Readme.txt Just some credits. The throbber is from thickbox and the x is from a jquery tooltip library, although I cannot remember which.

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