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8 calls to calendar_user_date() in Calendar 5

calendar_filter_day in ./calendar.module
Callback for day filter. Build year, month, day, min, and max into query object.
calendar_filter_month in ./calendar.module
Callback for month filter. Build year, month, day, min, and max into query object.
calendar_filter_week in ./calendar.module
Callback for week filter. Build year, month, day, min, and max into query object.
calendar_filter_year in ./calendar.module
Callback for year filter. Build year, month, day, min, and max into query object.
calendar_get_calendar in ./
Adapted from event_get_calendar() function in the event module Reworked to remove dependency on event module
calendar_views_query_alter in ./calendar.module
Implementation of hook_views_query() Insert filters into the query based on the current calendar view and the selected fields Used when the actual view arguments don't provide enough info to construct the query. i.e. on a view with no arguments…
calendar_week in ./calendar.module
Handle a lot of messy week calculations all in one place to make maintenance easier
theme_calendar_show_nav in ./calendar.theme
Format the calendar navigation