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19 calls to calendar_load_date_api() in Calendar 5

calendar_event_date in ./
Formats a GMT timestamp to local date values using time zone offset supplied. All timestamp values in event nodes are GMT and translated for display here.
calendar_get_calendar in ./
Adapted from event_get_calendar() function in the event module Reworked to remove dependency on event module
calendar_get_nodes in ./calendar.module
The workhorse function that takes the beginning array of items and alters it to an array of calendar nodes that the theme can handle.
calendar_get_paths in ./calendar.module
calendar_handler_arg_type in ./calendar.module
Custom views handler for all calendar arguments.
calendar_ical_add_feeds in ./calendar_ical.module
Bring an ical feed into the calendar.
calendar_mktime in ./
Formats local time values to GMT timestamp using time zone offset supplied. All time values in the database are GMT and translated here prior to insertion.
calendar_nav in ./calendar.module
Function to construct back and next navigation from views arguments
calendar_part_is_valid in ./calendar.module
A function to test the validity of various date parts
calendar_user_date in ./
Returns a local timestamp (as defined by the user or site's timezone) for midnight GMT.
calendar_views_query_alter in ./calendar.module
Implementation of hook_views_query() Insert filters into the query based on the current calendar view and the selected fields Used when the actual view arguments don't provide enough info to construct the query. i.e. on a view with no arguments…
calendar_week in ./calendar.module
Handle a lot of messy week calculations all in one place to make maintenance easier
calendar_week_range in ./calendar.module
Get the start and end datestamp for a calendar week.
theme_calendar_arg_title in ./calendar.theme
Theme the calendar title and breadcrumbs Arguments are evaluated in year, month, day or year, week order so you can track previous values in the session.
theme_calendar_nav_title in ./calendar.theme
Theme the navigation bar title
_calendar_day_of_week in ./
Return the day of week with start of week offset applied
_calendar_limit_nodes in ./calendar.module
A function to adjust node values to slice off times before and after the selected view used for calendars that span days, months, or years since the calendar api automatically creates additional calendars for calendars that extend into another time…
_calendar_make_node in ./calendar.module
A function to create a blank date to force a calendar display when there is no data
_calendar_setup_form in ./
Setup Calendar parameters.