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9 calls to calendar_fields() in Calendar 5.2

calendar_build_field_query in ./
Build a filtering query for an individual date field
calendar_build_nodes in ./
Take the array of items and alter it to an array of calendar nodes that the theme can handle.
calendar_clear_all in ./calendar.module
Empty or reset cached values.
calendar_views_pre_view in ./calendar.module
Implementation of hook_views_pre_view()
theme_calendar_ical_field in ./calendar_ical.module
Views field theme for an ical field.
theme_calendar_views_field in ./calendar.theme
Wrapper around views_theme_field() to properly format the dates in the view. Use the usual views field formatting for all other fields.
_calendar_info in ./
Function to get information about all views that have calendar components.
_calendar_views_query_alter in ./
@file All the code used while processing a calendar is stored in this file and is included only when needed.
_calendar_views_validate in ./
Validate a view.