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function calendar_calendar_node in Calendar 5

3 calls to calendar_calendar_node()
calendar_calendar_node_day in ./calendar.module
calendar_calendar_node_month in ./calendar.module
Implementation of hook_calendar_node() from the calendar_get_calendar() api calendar api is expecting a function for each calendar type but all of them need the same processing, so run them through a single function instead of duplicating the…
calendar_calendar_node_week in ./calendar.module


./calendar.module, line 1156
Adds calendar filtering and displays to Views.


function calendar_calendar_node($node, $type) {
  if ($node->nid && $node->nid !== 0 && $node->calendar_start) {

    // this is a real calendar, go ahead and display it
    if (!$node->remote) {

      // switch our psuedo nids back to the right values
      $tmp = explode(':', $node->nid);
      $node->nid = $tmp[0];
      $node->instance = $tmp[1];
    if (isset($node->calendar_node_theme)) {
      return theme($node->calendar_node_theme, $node, $type);
    else {
      return theme('calendar_calendar_node', $node, $type);
  else {

    // surpress display of psuedo calendars added to force display of a blank calendar
    // have to return some value for blank day so not overridden by normal calendar node theme
    // a blank space seems to be sufficient to do that
    return ' ';