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Functions in BUEditor 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bueditor_admin ./ Admin main page. 2
bueditor_admin_form ./ Admin form. 1
bueditor_admin_submit ./ Admin form submit. 1
bueditor_admin_theme ./ Admin form themed. 1
bueditor_buttons ./bueditor.module All buttons of an editor. 2 2
bueditor_buttons_update ./bueditor.install Update button contents 1
bueditor_button_form ./ Template form for buttons 1
bueditor_check_match ./bueditor.module Check matching lines of the needle in haystack.(page and textarea id) 1
bueditor_check_page ./bueditor.module Check if the editor is visible in the page. 1
bueditor_csv_submit ./ Save CSV file for import operation. 1
bueditor_delete_button ./ 1
bueditor_delete_buttons ./ Delete buttons. 1
bueditor_delete_editor ./ Delete an editor. 1
bueditor_delete_form ./ Editor deletion form. Confirm & delete 1
bueditor_delete_form_submit ./
bueditor_editors ./bueditor.module Editor(s). 5 3
bueditor_editor_form ./ Editor form. 1
bueditor_editor_load ./bueditor.module load editor by id. used by menu system
bueditor_editor_options ./ Editor options. 1
bueditor_editor_submit ./ Save editor & buttons. 1
bueditor_editor_theme ./ Editor form themed. 1
bueditor_elements ./bueditor.module Implementation of hook_elements().
bueditor_export_buttons ./ Export buttons as CSV. 1
bueditor_icons ./ Load icons in the path 1
bueditor_import_buttons ./ Import buttons from a CSV file. 1
bueditor_insert_latest ./bueditor.install Insert the latest version of default editor. 2
bueditor_install ./bueditor.install Implementation of hook_install()
bueditor_isimage ./ check if the icon is image.(just a string check, not a file check) 2
bueditor_js_library ./bueditor.module Include all javascript files from library. 1
bueditor_menu ./bueditor.module Implementation of hook_menu().
bueditor_path_tr ./bueditor.module Translate editor paths 3
bueditor_perm ./bueditor.module Implementation of hook_perm().
bueditor_preset_textarea ./bueditor.module Insert textarea id into preset of the editor. 1
bueditor_processed_buttons ./bueditor.module Processed buttons. Evaluate php code for php buttons and translate titles prefixed with t:. 1
bueditor_rolesort ./ user sorting function for roles. 2
bueditor_role_form ./ Role-editor form 1
bueditor_schema ./bueditor.install Implementation of hook_schema().
bueditor_selaction_submit ./ Export or delete selected buttons. 1
bueditor_settle ./bueditor.module Include necessary js and css files for editor settlement. 2
bueditor_sorted_roles ./ Sort roles according to their weights. 1
bueditor_textarea ./bueditor.module Integrate the editor into textareas. 1
bueditor_theme ./bueditor.module Implementation of hook_theme().
bueditor_uninstall ./bueditor.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
bueditor_update_6000 ./bueditor.install Update from 4|5.x to 6.x Add new fields: {bueditor_editors}.iconpath, {bueditor_editors}.librarypath. Change {bueditor_buttons}.accesskey field type from char to varchar. Update {bueditor_buttons}.content field values. Insert the latest version of…
bueditor_user_eids ./bueditor.module Return the editor ids assigned to the user. 1

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