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function bueditor_editor_theme in BUEditor 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 admin/ \bueditor_editor_theme()
  2. 7 admin/ \bueditor_editor_theme()

Editor form themed.

1 string reference to 'bueditor_editor_theme'
bueditor_theme in ./bueditor.module
Implementation of hook_theme().


./, line 251


function bueditor_editor_theme($form = array()) {
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Title'),
      'class' => 'btitle',
      'data' => t('Content'),
      'class' => 'content',
      'data' => t('Icon'),
      'class' => 'icon',
      'data' => t('Key'),
      'class' => 'key',
      'data' => t('Weight'),
      'class' => 'weight',
  $rows = array();
  foreach (element_children($form['buttons']) as $bid) {
    $new = !is_numeric($bid);
    $cells = array();
    $cells[] = drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['title']);
    $cells[] = drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['content']);
    $cells[] = drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['icon']) . drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['caption']);
    $cells[] = drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['accesskey']);
    $cells[] = drupal_render($form['buttons'][$bid]['weight']);
    $cells[] = $new ? '<a>' . t('new') . '</a>' : drupal_render($form['checks'][$bid]);
    $rows[] = $new ? array(
      'data' => $cells,
      'class' => 'new-button',
      'title' => t('Add new button'),
    ) : $cells;
  $eid = $form['editor']['eid']['#value'];
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'bueditor');
  drupal_add_css($path . '/admin/admin.css', 'media', 'all', FALSE);

  //no preprocessing
  drupal_add_js($path . '/admin/admin.js', 'module', 'header', FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);

  //no preprocessing
  drupal_add_js('var iconPath = "' . base_path() . bueditor_path_tr($form['editor']['iconpath']['#value']) . '"', 'inline');
  $help = '<div class="help">' . t('To add a new button, you can either specify it at the bottom of the button list or import a CSV file which contains previously exported buttons. For more information about buttons and editor API please read !readme.', array(
    '!readme' => '<a href="' . base_path() . $path . '/README.txt">README.txt</a>',
  )) . '</div>';
  $buttons = theme('table', $header, $rows, array(
    'class' => 'button-table',
    'id' => 'button-table',
  $selaction = '<div class="sel-action">' . drupal_render($form['selaction']) . drupal_render($form['go']) . '</div>';
  $visibility = theme('fieldset', array(
    '#title' => t('Visibility settings'),
    '#children' => drupal_render($form['editor']['pages']) . drupal_render($form['editor']['excludes']),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => $eid,
  $paths = theme('fieldset', array(
    '#title' => t('Editor paths'),
    '#children' => drupal_render($form['editor']['iconpath']) . drupal_render($form['editor']['librarypath']),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => $eid,
  $import = theme('fieldset', array(
    '#title' => t('Import Buttons'),
    '#children' => drupal_render($form['buecsv']) . drupal_render($form['import']),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
  $demo = '';
  if ($eid && bueditor_settle($eid)) {
    drupal_add_js('BUE.preset["editor-demo"] = "e' . $eid . '";', 'inline');
    $demo = '<h2 class="title">' . t('Demo') . '</h2><div class="form-item"><textarea cols="60" rows="20" id="editor-demo" class="form-textarea">DEMO</textarea></div>';
  $output = $help . drupal_render($form['editor']['name']) . ($eid ? '' : $visibility . $paths);
  $output .= '<h2 class="title">' . t('Buttons') . '</h2>' . $buttons . $selaction;
  $output .= drupal_render($form['submit']) . ($eid ? $visibility . $paths : '');
  $output .= $import . drupal_render($form) . $demo;
  return $output;