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function brightcove_try in Brightcove Video Connect 7.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 brightcove.module \brightcove_try()

Catches exceptions when interacting with the brightcove wrapper lib.

This function serves as a bridge between the OO-style wrapper lib and the procedural Drupal 7 error handling.


callable $try: A closure that interacts with the wrapper lib.

callable|NULL $catch: A clusure that is called when an error occours. Gets the exception as a parameter.

string|NULL $logtype: Log type identifier.

Return value

mixed The same as what $try returns on success, or what $catch returns on failure.

36 calls to brightcove_try()
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... See full list


./brightcove.module, line 3354
Brightcove module is an integration layer between any modules using Brightcove API. It makes all necessary checks for the API and makes settings available to the user.


function brightcove_try(callable $try, callable $catch = NULL, $logtype = NULL) {
  try {
    $result = $try();
    return $result;
  } catch (\Brightcove\API\Exception\APIException $ex) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Brightcove API call failed: %message', [
      '%message' => _brightcove_try_json_message($ex
        ->getResponseBody()) ?: $ex
    ]), 'error');
    watchdog_exception($logtype ?: 'brightcove_api', $ex);
    if ($catch) {
      return $catch($ex);
  } catch (\Brightcove\API\Exception\AuthenticationException $ex) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Failed to authorize with Brightcove'), 'error');
    watchdog_exception($logtype ?: 'brightcove_auth', $ex);
    if ($catch) {
      return $catch($ex);
  return NULL;