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public function BrightcovePlaylistEntityController::delete in Brightcove Video Connect 7.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 \BrightcovePlaylistEntityController::delete()

Overwrites DrupalDefaultEntityController::delete().

Overrides EntityAPIController::delete


./, line 102
Brightcove playlist related functions.


Entity controller class for Brightcove client.


public function delete($ids, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
  $entities = $ids ? $this
    ->load($ids) : FALSE;
  if (!$entities) {

    // Do nothing in case invalid or no ids have been passed.
  foreach ($entities as $playlist_entity) {

    /** @var \Brightcove\Object\Playlist $playlist */
    $playlist = $playlist_entity->playlist;
    brightcove_try(function () use ($playlist, $playlist_entity) {

      /** @var \Brightcove\API\CMS $cms */
      list($cms, ) = brightcove_create_classes($playlist_entity->client);

      // deletePlaylist() fails silently in case the client has no permission to
      // delete the playlist so we check here if it has been really removed or
      // not.
      try {
        watchdog('brightcove', 'Deleting the playlist @playlist has failed. Maybe the brightcove client has not enough permissions.', [
          '@playlist' => $playlist
        ], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        drupal_set_message(t('Deleting the playlist @playlist has failed. Maybe the brightcove client has not enough permissions.', [
          '@playlist' => $playlist
        ]), 'error');
      } catch (Exception $e) {

        // Invalidate playlist cache.
        brightcove_invalidate_cache('brightcove:playlist', TRUE);