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function brightcove_get_default_image in Brightcove Video Connect 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  2. 7.7 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  3. 7.2 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  4. 7.3 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  5. 7.4 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  6. 7.5 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()
  7. 7.6 brightcove.module \brightcove_get_default_image()

Will return a default image for videos without a thumbnail or still image.

8 calls to brightcove_get_default_image()
brightcove_admin_settings in ./
Form builder.
brightcove_cck_browse in brightcove_cck/
This function is a callback for modalframe window, providing an access to browse videos.
theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_imagecache in brightcove_cck/
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theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_player in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Default thumbnail -> Lightbox2 player formatter.
theme_brightcove_cck_node_image in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Default thumbnail.

... See full list


./brightcove.module, line 230
Brightcove module is an integration layer between any modules using Brightcove API. It makes all necessary checks for the API and makes settings available to the user.


function brightcove_get_default_image() {
  return drupal_get_path('module', 'brightcove') . '/images/default-image.png';