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8 calls to brightcove_get_default_image() in Brightcove Video Connect 6

brightcove_admin_settings in ./
Form builder.
brightcove_cck_browse in brightcove_cck/
This function is a callback for modalframe window, providing an access to browse videos.
theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_imagecache in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Lightbox2 with imagecache player.
theme_brightcove_cck_lightbox2_player in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Default thumbnail -> Lightbox2 player formatter.
theme_brightcove_cck_node_image in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Default thumbnail.
theme_brightcove_cck_node_image_imagecache in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for imagecache image
theme_brightcove_cck_node_link in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for Default thumbnail linked to node formatter.
theme_brightcove_cck_node_link_imagecache in brightcove_cck/
Theme callback for imagecache image linking to node