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Functions in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
botcha_admin_settings ./ 1
botcha_admin_settings_submit ./ Submission function for botcha_admin_settings form.
botcha_admin_settings_validate ./ Validation handler for botcha_admin_settings form.
botcha_form_alter ./botcha.module Implements hook_form_alter().
botcha_form_alter_botcha ./ Main BOTCHA worker - process the form and apply BOTCHA protection 1
botcha_fprocess ./botcha.module Process form callback for BOTCHA form. Using hooking mechanism that is a hack - we want to come in before #process, but our _form_alter() is way too early (we want to let it use cache for all other modules & data). Ideal would be to have #process… 1
botcha_generate_secret_key ./ Generate a random secret key. 2
botcha_get_captcha_point ./ 1
botcha_get_form_id_setting ./ Get the BOTCHA setting for a given form_id. 4
botcha_help ./botcha.module Implements hook_help().
botcha_install ./botcha.install Implementation of hook_install().
botcha_is_captcha_installed ./ @file General BOTCHA functionality and helper functions. 3
botcha_menu ./botcha.module Implements hook_menu().
botcha_menu_alter ./botcha.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
botcha_permission ./botcha.module Implements hook_permission().
botcha_point_admin ./ Central handler for BOTCHA point administration (adding, disabling, deleting) 1
botcha_point_admin_form ./ Form for adding BOTCHA point. 1
botcha_point_admin_form_submit ./ Submit function for botcha_point_admin_form.
botcha_point_admin_form_validate ./ validation function for botcha_point_admin_form
botcha_point_disable_confirm ./ Confirm dialog for disabling/deleting a BOTCHA point 1
botcha_point_disable_confirm_submit ./ Submission handler of BOTCHA point disabling/deleting confirm_form.
botcha_requirements ./botcha.install Implements hook_requirements().
botcha_rules_action_info ./ Implements hook_rules_action_info().
botcha_rules_action_regenerate_seed ./ Action: Regenerate seed.
botcha_rules_events_hook_variables ./ Describes the arguments available for the botcha_rules_event_info(). 1
botcha_rules_event_info ./ Implements hook_rules_event_info().
botcha_schema ./botcha.install Implements hook_schema().
botcha_set_form_id_setting ./ Helper function for adding/updating a BOTCHA point. 16
botcha_theme ./botcha.module Implements hook_theme().
botcha_uninstall ./botcha.install Implements hook_uninstall().
botcha_update_7000 ./botcha.install Migrate form configuration for changed form ids in Drupal 7.
theme_botcha_admin_settings_botcha_points ./ Custom theme function for a table of (form_id -> BOTCHA type) settings
_botcha_admin_settings ./ Module settings form. 1
_botcha_available_cookbooks ./ Return an array with the available BOTCHA recipes, for use as options array for a select form elements. 2
_botcha_clear_form_cache ./ 1
_botcha_default_form_ids ./botcha.install 1
_botcha_error_noscript ./ 2
_botcha_error_text ./ Standardized Botcha error messages 4
_botcha_error_text_errorcode ./ 4
_botcha_error_text_javascript ./ 3
_botcha_filter_form_log ./ Filter out sensitive form data for logging Recursive. 2
_botcha_filter_value ./ Filter out sensitive form data from values for logging. 3
_botcha_form_validate ./botcha.module Custom form validation - jump to __botcha_form_validate(). FIXME: Is there a standard way to put #validate handlers in a separate file? 1
_botcha_get_botcha_placement ./ Helper function to get placement information for a given form_id. 1
_botcha_get_form_cache ./ 1
_botcha_get_token ./ Custom token (session) management for anonymous users. 2
_botcha_i18n ./botcha.module
_botcha_insert_botcha_element ./ Helper function to insert a BOTCHA element in a form before a given form element. 1
_botcha_pick_patsy_field ./ Pick a field to obscure botcha and not give our honeypot away. Furthermore, any validation errors on this field will remove our error. 1
_botcha_recipe1 ./ Botcha recipe. 1


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