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function botcha_set_form_id_setting in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \botcha_set_form_id_setting()

Helper function for adding/updating a BOTCHA point.


$form_id the form ID to configure.:

botcha_type the setting for the given form_id, can be::

  • 'none' to disable BOTCHA,
  • 'default' to use the default challenge type
  • NULL to remove the entry for the BOTCHA type

Return value


17 calls to botcha_set_form_id_setting()
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaAdminLinks in ./botcha.test
Testing of the BOTCHA administration links.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPlacementCacheFlushing in ./botcha.test
Test the BOTCHA placement flushing.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPointSettingGetterAndSetter in ./botcha.test
Test the BOTCHA point setting getter/setter.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testUntrustedUserPosting in ./botcha.test
BotchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testBotchaSessionReuseAttackDetectionOnCommentPreview in ./botcha.test

... See full list


./, line 29
General BOTCHA functionality and helper functions.


function botcha_set_form_id_setting($form_id, $botcha_type) {

  //watchdog('debug','IN botcha_set_form_id_setting form_id='.$form_id.' botcha_type='.$botcha_type);
  if ($botcha_type == 'none') {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {botcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {botcha_points} (form_id, botcha_type) VALUES ('%s', NULL)", $form_id);
  elseif ($botcha_type != NULL) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {botcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {botcha_points} (form_id, botcha_type) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $form_id, $botcha_type);
  else {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {botcha_points} WHERE form_id = '%s'", $form_id);

  //  else {
  //    drupal_set_message(t('Failed to set a BOTCHA type for form %form_id: could not interpret value "@botcha_type"',
  //      array('%form_id' => $form_id, '@botcha_type' => (string) $botcha_type)), 'warning');
  //  }