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17 calls to botcha_set_form_id_setting() in BOTCHA Spam Prevention 6

BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaAdminLinks in ./botcha.test
Testing of the BOTCHA administration links.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPlacementCacheFlushing in ./botcha.test
Test the BOTCHA placement flushing.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testBotchaPointSettingGetterAndSetter in ./botcha.test
Test the BOTCHA point setting getter/setter.
BotchaAdminTestCase::testUntrustedUserPosting in ./botcha.test
BotchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testBotchaSessionReuseAttackDetectionOnCommentPreview in ./botcha.test
BotchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testBotchaSessionReuseAttackDetectionOnLoginForm in ./botcha.test
BotchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testBotchaSessionReuseAttackDetectionOnNodeForm in ./botcha.test
BotchaSessionReuseAttackTestCase::testMultipleBotchaProtectedFormsOnOnePage in ./botcha.test
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaAfterCommentPreview in ./botcha.test
Test if BOTCHA is applied when previewing comments: comment preview should have BOTCHA again.
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaAfterNodePreview in ./botcha.test
Test if BOTCHA is applied when previewing nodes: node preview should have BOTCHA again. The preview functionality of comments and nodes works slightly different under the hood. BOTCHA module should be able to handle both.
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaOnLoginBlockOnAdminPages in ./botcha.test
BOTCHA should also be put on admin pages if visitor has no access
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaOnLoginForm in ./botcha.test
Testing the protection of the user log in form.
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaResubmit in ./botcha.test
Test if BOTCHA is applied correctly when failing first and then resubmitting comments: comment form should have BOTCHA again and pass correct submission. (We use to fail BOTCHA as it is impossible to fail comment form on its own)
BotchaTestCase::testBotchaValidation in ./botcha.test
Testing the case sensistive/insensitive validation.
botcha_admin_settings_submit in ./
Submission function for botcha_admin_settings form.
botcha_point_admin_form_submit in ./
Submit function for botcha_point_admin_form.
botcha_point_disable_confirm_submit in ./
Submission handler of BOTCHA point disabling/deleting confirm_form.