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Functions in Bootstrap Tour 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bootstrap_tour_access ./bootstrap_tour.module Checks access for user for tour. 1
bootstrap_tour_admin_access ./bootstrap_tour.module Bootstrap Tour access callback. 1
bootstrap_tour_bootstrap_tour_insert ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_bootstrap_tour_insert().
bootstrap_tour_bootstrap_tour_update ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_bootstrap_tour_insert(). 1
bootstrap_tour_cleanup ./bootstrap_tour.module Remove tour cookies from session 1
bootstrap_tour_db_legacy_table ./bootstrap_tour.install Returns the table definition for the legacy/deprecated table which held tours in 1.x. 1
bootstrap_tour_db_step_table ./bootstrap_tour.install Returns the table definition for the table which holds the tour steps. 2
bootstrap_tour_db_tour_table ./bootstrap_tour.install Returns the table definition for the table which holds the tours. 2
bootstrap_tour_end_current_tour ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to end the current tour. 1
bootstrap_tour_entity_info ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_entity_info().
bootstrap_tour_form includes/ Implements hook_form().
bootstrap_tour_form_submit includes/ Implements hook_form_submit().
bootstrap_tour_form_validate includes/ Implements hook_form_validate().
bootstrap_tour_install ./bootstrap_tour.install Implements hook_install().
bootstrap_tour_libraries_info ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_libraries_info(). Tell Drupal about the Bootstrap Tour library.
bootstrap_tour_load ./bootstrap_tour.module Callback function to{bo load a complete bootstrap tour, including all steps, by id. 1
bootstrap_tour_load_all ./bootstrap_tour.module Load all the tours (and caches them). 1
bootstrap_tour_load_config ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to get all bootstrap tour names and ids in an array keyed by id. 1
bootstrap_tour_load_file ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to load a file from local disk or from remote url 1
bootstrap_tour_load_legacy_tours ./bootstrap_tour.install Legacy function which loads all 1.x tours from both exported Features and from the DB. 1
bootstrap_tour_menu ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_menu().
bootstrap_tour_page_build ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_init(). Load all the tours and figure out if any are set to auto-run and start on the current page. If so, go ahead and run that one.
bootstrap_tour_permission ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_permission().
bootstrap_tour_run_tour ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to actually run a tour. Can be called from anywhere. 1
bootstrap_tour_schema ./bootstrap_tour.install Implements hook_schema().
bootstrap_tour_setup_step_field ./bootstrap_tour.install 2
bootstrap_tour_uninstall ./bootstrap_tour.install Implements hook_uninstall().
bootstrap_tour_update_7200 ./bootstrap_tour.install Upgrade old 1.x tours to the new 2.x Entity format, then delete the old DB table.
bootstrap_tour_update_7201 ./bootstrap_tour.install Remove orphaned steps.
bootstrap_tour_views_api ./bootstrap_tour.module Implements hook_views_api().
_bootstrap_tour_name_exists includes/ /* Function to check if the machine name already exists. 1

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