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Functions in Bootstrap Tour 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bootstrap_tour_configure_add_step_submit ./ Add a step to the configuration form 1
bootstrap_tour_configure_add_tooltip_submit ./ Adds a tooltip to the configuration form 1
bootstrap_tour_configure_form ./ Implements hook_form()
bootstrap_tour_configure_form_submit ./ Save the contents of the configuration form
bootstrap_tour_configure_remove_step_submit ./ Remove a step from the configuration form 1
bootstrap_tour_configure_remove_tooltip_submit ./ Remove a tooltip from the configuration form 1
bootstrap_tour_delete_confirm ./bootstrap_tour.module Callback form builder for the delete confirmation page. 1
bootstrap_tour_delete_confirm_submit ./bootstrap_tour.module Submit callback for the delete confirmation form. Actually performs the delete.
bootstrap_tour_end_current_tour ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to end the current toure. 1
bootstrap_tour_form ./bootstrap_tour.module Form callback for the administration of site tours. 1
bootstrap_tour_form_add_one ./bootstrap_tour.module AJAX callback to add one more step. 1
bootstrap_tour_form_add_one_callback ./bootstrap_tour.module AJAX callback to add one more step on button click. 1
bootstrap_tour_form_submit ./bootstrap_tour.module Submit callback for the Bootstrap Tour create/edit form.
bootstrap_tour_generate_machine_name ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to convert a string to a machine name. 1
bootstrap_tour_is_default ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to look up an object by name to see if it's a default or not. 2
bootstrap_tour_is_enabled ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to return whether or not a tour is disabled. 1
bootstrap_tour_libraries_info ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_libraries_info(). Tell Drupal about the Bootstrap Tour library.
bootstrap_tour_list ./bootstrap_tour.module Callback function for admin/build/tours 1
bootstrap_tour_load ./bootstrap_tour.module Callback function for loading one bootstrap tour by $name. 2
bootstrap_tour_load_all ./bootstrap_tour.module Callback function for loading all bootstrap tours in an array of 'btid' => 'name' format. 2
bootstrap_tour_menu ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_menu()
bootstrap_tour_page_build ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_init(). Load all the tours and figure out if any are set to auto-run and start on the current page. If so, go ahead and run that one.
bootstrap_tour_permission ./bootstrap_tour.module Implementation of hook_permission()
bootstrap_tour_run_tour ./bootstrap_tour.module Helper function to actually run a tour. Can be called from anywhere. 1
bootstrap_tour_schema ./bootstrap_tour.install
bootstrap_tour_settings_form ./ Allows to administer the basic settings for guided tours
bootstrap_tour_settings_form_submit ./ Submit handler for settings form
bootstrap_tour_toggle_status ./bootstrap_tour.module Submit callback for the delete confirmation form. Actually performs the delete. 1
bootstrap_tour_update_7001 ./bootstrap_tour.install Add a "roles" column to the DB schema.
_bootstrap_tour_configure_rebuild_configuration ./ Return the new build configuration part of the form 1
_bootstrap_tour_generate_entity_selector ./ Generates a structured array of entity types (and bundles) for use in the form api as a selector 1
_bootstrap_tour_list_tours ./ Administrative list of guided tours with statistics

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