function boost_crawler_verify in Boost 6
Reload any url's that did not get cached.
$expire: Has the site changed, if so get expire column
1 call to boost_crawler_verify()
- boost_crawler_run in ./
boost.module - The brains of the crawler.
- ./
boost.module, line 6309 - Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...
function boost_crawler_verify($expire) {
if ($expire && BOOST_LOOPBACK_BYPASS) {
$list = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT bcrawler.url, bcrawler.hash FROM {boost_cache} bcache INNER JOIN {boost_crawler} bcrawler ON (bcache.hash_url = bcrawler.hash) WHERE bcache.expire BETWEEN 0 AND %d", BOOST_TIME);
else {
$list = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT bcrawler.url, bcrawler.hash FROM {boost_cache} bcache INNER JOIN {boost_crawler} bcrawler ON (bcache.hash_url = bcrawler.hash) WHERE bcache.expire = 0");
db_query('TRUNCATE {boost_crawler}');
variable_set('boost_crawler_position', 0);
$recrawl = FALSE;
while ($url = db_fetch_array($list)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO {boost_crawler} (url, hash) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $url['url'], $url['hash']);
$recrawl = TRUE;
return $recrawl;