constant BOOST_TIME in Boost 6
20 uses of BOOST_TIME
- boost_admin_boost_performance_page in ./ - Form builder; Displays Boost's configuration page.
- boost_cache_expire_all_db in ./
boost.module - Flushes all expired pages via database lookup.
- boost_cache_prune_node_relationship in ./
boost.module - Given hash of url delete any old relationships.
- boost_cache_set in ./
boost.module - Replaces/Sets the cached contents of the specified page, if stale.
- boost_cache_set_node_relationships in ./
boost.module - Creates a parent child relationship for pages like views.
- ./
boost.module, line 11 - Provides static file caching for Drupal text output. Pages, Feeds, ect...
define('BOOST_TIME', time());