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class ContributorNames in Bibliography Module 7.2

Match Contributor Names with Predefined Regex


Expanded class hierarchy of ContributorNames

1 file declares its use of ContributorNames
run.php in lib/msrc-authortool/functest/run.php


lib/msrc-authortool/src/Analyzer/ContributorNames.php, line 17


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class ContributorNames implements AnalyzerInterface {

   * @var \Nametools\Normalize
   * Normalizer object
  private $normalizer;

   * @var $orgWords
  private $orgWords;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Normalizer
   * @param \Nametools\Normalize $normalize
   * Or null to auto-use dependency
  public function __construct(Normalize $normalizer = null) {

    //Set Normalizer Object
    $this->normalizer = $normalizer ?: new Normalize(new ContributorObject(), new RegexCounter());

    //Setup arrays
    $this->normalizedNames = array();
    $this->skippedNames = array();

    //Setup Patterns

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Setup Org Words
   * @param array $orgWords
   * Array of words that denote organization
  public function setOrgWords($orgWords) {
    $this->orgWords = array_map('strtolower', $orgWords);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Analyze a string
   * @param string $string
   * @param return ContributorObject|boolean
   * false if not parsed
  public function analyze($string) {

    //String Trim
    $string = trim($string);

    //Some names have HTML escape codes
    $string = str_replace(''', "'", $string);
    $string = str_replace('Ö', 'Ö', $string);

    //If it's [anon], ignore it
    if (strcasecmp("[anon]", $string) == 0) {
      return false;

    //If it contains organization keywords, it is an organization
    if ($this
      ->checkIsOrganization($string)) {
      $co = new ContributorObject();
      $co->organization = $string;
      return $co;

    //Everything < 6 char w/no spaces and alphanum is organization
    if (strlen($string) < 6 && preg_match("/^[a-z0-9]+\$/i", $string)) {
      $co = new ContributorObject();
      $co->organization = $string;
      return $co;
    elseif (strlen($string) < 6 && !preg_match("/[ +?]/", $string)) {
      return false;

    //Before running the main regex patterns, see if there is a known lastName prefix,

    //and rip that out
    list($lnPrefix, $string) = $this

    //Everything else we'll try to parse using the Nametools
    $object = $this->normalizer

    //Clean it up
    if ($object) {
      $object->lastNamePrefix = $lnPrefix;
      $object = $this

    //Return it
    return $object;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Check if a string represents an organization
   * Compares the string against known organization words
   * e.g. "Center" or "Team"
   * @param string $str
   * @return boolean
  protected function checkIsOrganization($str) {

    $str = strtolower($str);

    //Check against all of the org words
    foreach ($this->orgWords as $word) {
      if (preg_match("/\\b{$word}\\b/i", $str)) {
        return true;

    //If made it here
    return false;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Cleanup a matched object
   * Normalizes suffixes, and fills in initials.
   * @param ContributorObject $obj
   * @return ContributorObject
  protected function cleanUp(ContributorObject $obj) {

    //If there is a suffix, attempt to normalize it
    if ($obj->suffix) {
      $obj->suffix = $obj

    //If middleName is a single character, and no middle initial,

    //move the middleName to the middleInitial
    if (strlen($obj->middleName) == 1 && !$obj->middleInitial) {
      $obj->middleInitial = $obj->middleName;
      $obj->middleName = null;

    //If firstName is a single character and no first initial,

    //move the firstName to the firstInitial
    if (strlen($obj->firstName) == 1 && !$obj->firstInitial) {
      $obj->firstInitial = $obj->firstName;
      $obj->firstName = null;

    //If middleName and no middle initial, fill that in
    if ($obj->middleName && !$obj->middleInitial) {
      $obj->middleInitial = $obj->middleName[0];

    //If firstName and no first initial, fill that in
    if ($obj->firstName && !$obj->firstInitial) {
      $obj->firstInitial = $obj->firstName[0];
    return $obj;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Check if the lastname has a prefix and set it
   * If the lastname has a prefix, it will either be captured as part
   * of the lastname string, or as the middleName
   * @param string $str
   * @return array [0] is the prefix and [1] is the modified string
  protected function checkAndSetLastNamePrefix($str) {
    $regex = "/\\b(von|van der|van den|van de|van|le|el|dos|de|de la)\\s[\\p{L}]/i";
    if (preg_match($regex, $str, $matches)) {

      //printf("\nFOUND %s: %s", $matches[1], $str);
      $prefix = $matches[1];
      $str = preg_replace("/" . $matches[1] . "/", '', $str, 1);

      //Fix double spaces caused by removal
      while (strpos($str, '  ')) {
        $str = str_replace('  ', ' ', $str);

      //printf(" ... pre: %s ... ln: %s", $matches[1], $str);
    else {
      $prefix = null;
    return array(

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Setup the patterns
  protected function setupPatterns() {
    $ppLastNamePattern = "([\\p{L}\\p{Ll}-' ]+)";

    //"([a-zA-Z-' ]+)"; //Unicode form: ([\p{L}\p{Ll}-' ]+)
    $lastNamePattern = "([\\p{L}\\p{Ll}-']+)";

    //"([a-zA-Z-']+)";  //Unicode form:  ([\p{L}\p{Ll}-']+)
    $suffixPattern = "(?i)(Jr|Sr|Esq|Ph\\.?D|2nd|3rd|Psy\\.D|M\\.S|II|III|IV)\\.?";

    //Where we have initials only, it's pretty clear

    //Lastname, FMS, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?,[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/u", array(

    //Lastname, FM, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?,[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/u", array(

    //Lastname, F, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?(?![a-z'-]),[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/u", array(

    //Lastname Suf., FMS
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern} {$suffixPattern}?,[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //Lastname Suf., FM
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern} {$suffixPattern}?,[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?(?![a-z'-])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //Lastname Suf., F
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern} {$suffixPattern}?,[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?(?![a-z'-])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //Lastname, FMS
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //Lastname, FM
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?(?![a-zA-Z'-])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //Lastname, F
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([A-Z])\\.?(?![a-z'-])\\.?\$/u", array(

    //All FirstName Patterns are incorrect below this line!

    //?? Add ??: Lastname, Firstname, M[\.| ]?S[\.]?

    //Lastname, FirstName, MiddleName S, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([\\p{L}]+)\\.?[ +?]([A-Z])\\.?,[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Lastname, Firstname, MiddleName, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([\\p{L}]+)\\.?,[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Lastname, Firstname, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?,[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Lastname, FirstName MiddleName S
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([\\p{L}]+)\\.?[ +?]([A-Z])\\.?/ui", array(

    //Lastname, Firstname, MiddleName
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([\\p{L}]+)\\.?/ui", array(

    //Lastname, Firstname
      ->appendPattern("/^{$ppLastNamePattern},[ +?]?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?/ui", array(

    //F.M.S. Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([a-zA-Z])[\\. ]([a-zA-Z])[\\. ]([a-zA-Z])[\\.]? {$lastNamePattern}/u", array(

    //F.M. Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([a-zA-Z])[\\. ]([a-zA-Z])[\\.]? {$lastNamePattern}/u", array(

    //Firstname MS Lastname, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.? ([A-Z])[\\.| ]?([A-Z])\\.? {$lastNamePattern},[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/u", array(

    //Firstname Middle S Lastname, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([a-z][a-z]+)[ +?]([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern},[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Firstname Middle Lastname, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([a-z][a-z]+)[ +?]{$lastNamePattern},[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Firstname Lastname, Suf.
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern},[ +?]?{$suffixPattern}/ui", array(

    //Firstname MS Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([A-Z])[\\.| ]?([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern}/u", array(

    //Firstname Middle S Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([a-z][a-z]+)[ +?]([A-Z])\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern}/ui", array(

    //Firstname Middle Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([a-z][a-z]+)[ +?]{$lastNamePattern}/ui", array(

    //Firstname Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern}/ui", array(

    //Suf.,Firstname M. Lastname
      ->appendPattern("/^{$suffixPattern},\\s?([\\p{L}-]+)\\.?[ +?]([a-z]+)\\.?[ +?]{$lastNamePattern}/ui", array(



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ContributorNames::$normalizer private property Normalizer object
ContributorNames::$orgWords private property
ContributorNames::analyze public function Analyze a string Overrides AnalyzerInterface::analyze
ContributorNames::checkAndSetLastNamePrefix protected function Check if the lastname has a prefix and set it
ContributorNames::checkIsOrganization protected function Check if a string represents an organization
ContributorNames::cleanUp protected function Cleanup a matched object
ContributorNames::setOrgWords public function Setup Org Words
ContributorNames::setupPatterns protected function Setup the patterns
ContributorNames::__construct public function Normalizer Overrides AnalyzerInterface::__construct