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class Normalize in Bibliography Module 7.2

Normalize strings from common formats using REGEX


Expanded class hierarchy of Normalize

2 files declare their use of Normalize
AnalyzerInterface.php in lib/msrc-authortool/src/Analyzer/AnalyzerInterface.php
ContributorNames.php in lib/msrc-authortool/src/Analyzer/ContributorNames.php


lib/msrc-authortool/src/Nametools/Normalize.php, line 15


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class Normalize {
  const PREPEND = 0;
  const APPEND = 1;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * @var array
   * Key/Value patterns and their matchPatterns
  private $patterns;

   * @var MatchObject
  private $matchObject;

   * @private RegexCounter
  private $regexCounter;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Constructor
   * @param MatchObject $matchObject
   * @param array $patterns
  public function __construct(MatchObject $matchObject, RegexCounter $regexCounter, $patterns = array()) {

    //Setup array
    $this->patterns = array();

    //Dependencies and options
    $this->regexCounter = $regexCounter;
    $this->matchObject = $matchObject;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Add a regex pattern
   * The regex pattern should be as specific as possible
   * @param string $regex
   * The regex should contain the number of parentheses matching the match patterns
   * @param array $matchPattern
   * Array of properties to convert the match patterns to
   * @param int $where
   * self::PREPEND or self::APPEND
  public function addPattern($regex, $matchPattern, $where = self::APPEND) {

    //Test to ensure the number of matches equals the number

    //of items in the matchPattern
    if ($this->regexCounter
      ->count($regex) != count($matchPattern)) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The number of matches in the\n                regular expression must match the number of elements in the matchPattern");

    //Test to ensure the matchPattern contains only properties that

    //are in the actual match Class
    foreach ($matchPattern as $propName) {
      if (!in_array($propName, array_keys(get_object_vars($this->matchObject)))) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("The match pattern should\n                    only contain properties in the %s class!", get_class($this->matchObject)));

    //Add it
    if ($where == self::PREPEND) {
      $this->patterns = array_merge(array(
        $regex => $matchPattern,
      ), $this->patterns);
    else {
      $this->patterns[$regex] = $matchPattern;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Append a pattern to this list, making it the last to check
   * @param string $regex
   * @param array $matchPattern
  public function appendPattern($regex, $matchPattern) {
    return $this
      ->addPattern($regex, $matchPattern, self::APPEND);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Prepend a pattern to the list, making it the first to check
   * @param string $regex
   * @param array $matchPattern
  public function prependPattern($regex, $matchPattern) {
    return $this
      ->addPattern($regex, $matchPattern, self::PREPEND);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Get the list of patterns and their match patterns
   * @return array
  public function getPatterns() {
    return $this->patterns;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Initialize built-in and paramaterized patterns
   * @param array $patterns
  public function addPatterns($patterns = array()) {

    //The patterns specified get higher priority
    foreach ($patterns as $regex => $matchPattern) {
        ->appendPattern($regex, $matchPattern);

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Normalize
   * @param string $str
   * The string to normalize
   * @return MatchObject|false
   * A match object, or false if no match found
  public function normalize($str) {

    //Run through the REGEXes in order.  If match found, match it
    foreach ($this->patterns as $regex => $pattern) {
      if ($res = $this
        ->checkPattern($regex, $pattern, $str)) {
        return $res;

    //If match not found return false
    return false;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Check Pattern
   * @param string $regex
   * Regular Expression Pattern
   * @param array $pattern
   * Match Pattern
   * @param string $str
   * String to operate on
   * @return MatchObject|false
   * False if no match
  protected function checkPattern($regex, $pattern, $str) {
    if (preg_match($regex, $str, $matches) > 0) {
      return $this
        ->applyPattern($matches, $pattern);
    else {
      return false;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------

   * Apply a pattern if it has matched
   * @param array $matches
   * Matches from Regex
   * @param array $pattern
   * Match Pattern
   * @return MatchObject
   * New match Object with values applied
  protected function applyPattern($matches, $pattern) {
    $class = $this->matchObject;
    $outObj = $class::factory();
    $matches = array_slice($matches, 1);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
      $propName = $pattern[$i];
      $outObj->{$propName} = $matches[$i];
    return $outObj;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Normalize::$matchObject private property
Normalize::$patterns private property Key/Value patterns and their matchPatterns
Normalize::$regexCounter private property @private RegexCounter
Normalize::addPattern public function Add a regex pattern
Normalize::addPatterns public function Initialize built-in and paramaterized patterns
Normalize::APPEND constant
Normalize::appendPattern public function Append a pattern to this list, making it the last to check
Normalize::applyPattern protected function Apply a pattern if it has matched
Normalize::checkPattern protected function Check Pattern
Normalize::getPatterns public function Get the list of patterns and their match patterns
Normalize::normalize public function Normalize
Normalize::PREPEND constant
Normalize::prependPattern public function Prepend a pattern to the list, making it the first to check
Normalize::__construct public function Constructor