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function biblio_is_field_instance in Bibliography Module 7.2

Checks all existing fields instances for a given instance, and returns wheter or not it actually exists


string $instance_name The machine name to check whether or not it is: a valid field instance

string $entity_type biblio, contributor, etc.:

string $bundle book, journal_article, etc.:

Return value

boolean whether or not the given string exists as a field instance

2 calls to biblio_is_field_instance()
biblio_create in ./biblio.module
Create a biblio entity object
biblio_form in ./biblio.module
Displays the Add/Edit form for a biblio entity


includes/, line 284


function biblio_is_field_instance($instance_name, $entity_type, $bundle) {
  $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle);
  if (isset($instances[$instance_name])) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;