You are here in Bibliography Module 7.2

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function _biblio_field_extra_fields() {
  foreach (biblio_types('biblio_contributor') as $type => $info) {
    $extras['biblio_contributor'][$type] = array(
      'display' => array(
        'view_all_by_contributor' => array(
          'label' => t('"View all biblios by contributor" link'),
          'description' => t('Link on contributor entity view that takes the user to a page of all biblios from which a contributor is referenced.'),
          'weight' => 10,
  return $extras;

 * Adds Biblio's fields (not field instances) to Drupal's Field API
 * This function runs upon enabling Biblio
 * @todo Add data (field instance labels, etc)
function biblio_add_fields() {
  $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/default_fields.json';
  $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), TRUE);
  foreach ($json as $field) {
    $field_exists = field_info_field($field['field_name']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    if (!$field_exists) {

 * Add all field instances for a given entity type and bundle.
 * Adding field instances takes a long amount of time for the number of fields
 * and bundles we have. Fields for a biblio publication type are added the first
 * time a user visits the Biblio Add page for that publication type.
 * Contributor instances are added upon install, becasue there
 * are so few fields for those entity types.
 * @param string $entity biblio or biblio_contributor
 * @param string $bundle The bundle for which field instances should be created.
 * for example, a biblio publication type
function biblio_add_field_instances($entity, $bundle) {

  // Get default field instance data
  $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/default_field_instances.json';
  $default_instance_info = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), TRUE);

  // Get default field instance name data
  $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/default_field_pubtype_map.json';
  $default_map = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), TRUE);

  // @todo: remove all timers after development
  $default_instances = array();
  foreach ($default_instance_info as $instance_info) {

    // key another array of instance data by field name
    $default_instances[$instance_info['field_name']] = $instance_info;
  foreach ($default_map[$entity][$bundle] as $field => $label) {
    $instance = $default_instances[$field];
    $instance['bundle'] = $bundle;

    // If field label was specified in the default pubtype mapping, override
    // the default label
    if (!empty($label)) {
      $instance['label'] = $label;

    // Whether or not a field already exists for this instance. (it should)
    $field_exists = field_info_field($field) ? TRUE : FALSE;

    // Whether or not the field exists already (it shouldn't)
    $instance_exists = field_info_instance($entity, $field, $bundle) ? TRUE : FALSE;
    if ($field_exists && !$instance_exists) {
  drupal_set_message('Biblio field instances have been added for the ' . $bundle . ' bundle.' . ' Time elapsed: ' . timer_read('field_instances_creation') . 'ms');

 Helper code:
 module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.fields');

 * Gets data from and returns it as an array
 *  @todo remove this after development. I'm only keeping it for the time being,
 *  so that I can retrieve data easily during development.
function biblio_parse_field_type_data_csv() {
  $csv_file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/';
  $file_handle = fopen($csv_file, 'r');

  // array containing an array for each row in the csv
  $file_data = array();

  // the first line containing column names
  $header_line = fgetcsv($file_handle, 10000, ",");
  $info = entity_get_info('biblio');
  $fields = field_info_fields();
  while (!feof($file_handle)) {

    // the rest of the lines in the csv containing actual field data
    $row = fgetcsv($file_handle, 10000, ',');

    // Convert the human-readable name of the pubtype to machine name
    $bundle = str_replace(' ', '_', trim(strtolower($row[0])));

    // only for bundles that exist...
    if (isset($info['bundles'][$bundle])) {
      foreach ($header_line as $key => $field_name) {

        // only for fields that exist...
        if (isset($fields[$field_name]) && $row[$key] != '' && $row[$key] != '~') {
          $file_data[$bundle][$field_name] = $row[$key];
  return $file_data;
function biblio_check_instances($publication_type) {

  // Add field instances only if they dont already exist.
  if (biblio_field_instances_missing($publication_type)) {
    biblio_add_field_instances('biblio', $publication_type);

 * Determines if the field instances for a publication type have been created.
 * Used to decide whether or not to run biblio_add_field_instances when
 * admin/content/biblio/add is accessed for the first time for a specific publication type.
 * @param string $bundle
 * @param string $entity_type biblio, biblio_contributor, etc...
 * @return boolean Whether or not biblio's required field instances are indeed missing.
function biblio_field_instances_missing($bundle, $entity_type = 'biblio') {
  $file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/default_field_pubtype_map.json';
  $default_field_pubtype_map = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), TRUE);
  $default_instances = $default_field_pubtype_map[$entity_type][$bundle];

  // Field instances that already exist. There could be user-created field
  // instances here, so we can't assume that existing fields means we shouldn't
  // add our default field instances.
  $existing_instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle);
  if (empty($existing_instances)) {

    // If no instances exist, we definitely need to add the defaults
    return TRUE;
  foreach ($default_instances as $field => $label) {

    // If field name isn't already in the list of existing field instances
    if (!isset($existing_instances[$field])) {

      // As soon as we find one default instance that doesn't already exist, we
      // know that all defaults need to be added
      return TRUE;

  // Every default field instance already exists for the given publication type
  return FALSE;

 * Get a list of all biblio fields that have been created, and are prefixed
 * with "biblio_"
 * @return array
function biblio_field_list() {

  // Get an array of all fields
  $fields = field_info_fields();
  $biblio_fields = array();
  foreach ($fields as $field => $info) {

    // Check if name of field has the 'biblio_' prefix
    if (strstr($field, 'biblio_') != FALSE || isset($info['bundles']['biblio']) || $info['type'] == 'biblio_text') {
      $biblio_fields[] = $field;
  return $biblio_fields;

 * Deletes all Biblio fields
 * @return array Array of all fields that were deleted.
function biblio_delete_fields() {
  $db_fields = array(
  $result = db_select('field_config_instance', 'fci')
    ->fields('fci', $db_fields)
    ->condition('entity_type', 'biblio')
    ->condition('entity_type', 'biblio_contributor'))
    ->condition('deleted', '0')

  // while ($row = $result->fetchAssoc()) {
  //   $instances_to_delete[] = $row;
  // }
  // $batch = array(
  //   'title' => t('Deleting Field Instances'),
  //   'operations' => array(
  //     array('biblio_batch_delete_field', array($instances_to_delete)),
  //   ),
  //   'finished' => 'biblio_batch_delete_field_finished',
  // );
  // batch_set($batch);
  // batch_process('admin/modules');
  while ($row = $result
    ->fetchAssoc()) {
    field_delete_instance($row, TRUE);
  $fields = biblio_field_list();
  foreach ($fields as $field) {

    // Each iteration takes ~90ms to run
  return $fields;
function biblio_batch_delete_field($instances, &$context) {
  $iteration_limit = 10;
  $i = 0;
  $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($instances);
  foreach ($instances as $instance) {
    if ($i >= $iteration_limit) {
    if (in_array($instance['id'], $context['sandbox']['completed_fields'])) {
    $context['sandbox']['completed_fields'][] = $instance['id'];
  if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max']) {
    $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max'];
function biblio_batch_delete_field_finished($success, $results, $operations, $timer) {
  drupal_set_message('Total completion time: ' . $timer);

 * Checks all existing fields instances for a given instance, and returns wheter
 * or not it actually exists
 * @param string $instance_name The machine name to check whether or not it is
 *  a valid field instance
 * @param string $entity_type biblio, contributor, etc.
 * @param string $bundle book, journal_article, etc.
 * @return boolean whether or not the given string exists as a field instance
function biblio_is_field_instance($instance_name, $entity_type, $bundle) {
  $instances = field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle);
  if (isset($instances[$instance_name])) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

//  module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.fields');
//  modify_biblio_field_link_data_csv();

 * This function only exists because I'm lazy and don't want to manipulate
 * CSV data by hand. Copy the above lines to call this function quickly
 * @todo remove after development
function modify_biblio_field_link_data_csv() {
  $csv_file = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio') . '/misc/';
  $handle = fopen($csv_file, 'r+');
  $data = biblio_parse_field_link_data_csv();
  $data_to_write[] = array_keys($data[1]);
  foreach ($data as $value) {
    $data_to_write[] = $value;
  foreach ($data_to_write as $key => $row) {
    if (isset($row[0])) {

      // Modify headers here...
    if (isset($row['fid'])) {

      // Modify data here...
      // get rid of unsupported field types listed in the CSV
      // @todo clean up the CSV and replace with applicable field types
      if ($row['type'] == 'contrib_widget' || $row['type'] == 'textfield' || $row['type'] == 'select') {
        $data_to_write[$key]['type'] = 'text';
      if ($row['type'] == 'text_format') {
        $data_to_write[$key]['type'] = 'text_long';
      if ($row['type'] == 'text') {
        $data_to_write[$key]['type'] = 'biblio_text';

      // change all field ids to the order in which they are placed in the file.
      $data_to_write[$key]['fid'] = $key;
  foreach ($data_to_write as $key => $value) {
    if (isset($value['fid']) || isset($value[0])) {
      fputcsv($handle, $value);


Namesort descending Description
biblio_add_fields Adds Biblio's fields (not field instances) to Drupal's Field API This function runs upon enabling Biblio @todo Add data (field instance labels, etc)
biblio_add_field_instances Add all field instances for a given entity type and bundle. Adding field instances takes a long amount of time for the number of fields and bundles we have. Fields for a biblio publication type are added the first time a user visits the Biblio Add…
biblio_delete_fields Deletes all Biblio fields
biblio_field_instances_missing Determines if the field instances for a publication type have been created. Used to decide whether or not to run biblio_add_field_instances when admin/content/biblio/add is accessed for the first time for a specific publication type.
biblio_field_list Get a list of all biblio fields that have been created, and are prefixed with "biblio_"
biblio_is_field_instance Checks all existing fields instances for a given instance, and returns wheter or not it actually exists
biblio_parse_field_type_data_csv Gets data from and returns it as an array
modify_biblio_field_link_data_csv This function only exists because I'm lazy and don't want to manipulate CSV data by hand. Copy the above lines to call this function quickly @todo remove after development