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function biblio_field_list in Bibliography Module 7.2

Get a list of all biblio fields that have been created, and are prefixed with "biblio_"

Return value


1 call to biblio_field_list()
biblio_delete_fields in includes/
Deletes all Biblio fields


includes/, line 188


function biblio_field_list() {

  // Get an array of all fields
  $fields = field_info_fields();
  $biblio_fields = array();
  foreach ($fields as $field => $info) {

    // Check if name of field has the 'biblio_' prefix
    if (strstr($field, 'biblio_') != FALSE || isset($info['bundles']['biblio']) || $info['type'] == 'biblio_text') {
      $biblio_fields[] = $field;
  return $biblio_fields;