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function biblio_calculate_contributor_hash in Bibliography Module 6.2

Creates an md5 hash string to ease contributor comparison logic.


string|array $contributor: A string with a name or array with one or more of the following elements, at least one of which is not empty:

  • firstname:
  • intiials:
  • prefix:
  • lastname:

Return value

string An md5 hash string.

3 calls to biblio_calculate_contributor_hash()
biblio_admin_author_edit_form_submit in includes/
biblio_parse_author in includes/
Parses an author name into its component parts.
HumanNameParser_Parser::getArray in includes/Parser.php
returns all the parts of the name as an array


includes/, line 642
Functions related to contributors in Drupal biblio module.


function biblio_calculate_contributor_hash($contributor) {
  $hash = '';
  if (is_string($contributor)) {
    $creator = biblio_parse_author(array(
      'name' => trim($contributor),
  elseif (is_array($contributor)) {
    $creator = $contributor;
  else {
    return $hash;
  $firstname = isset($creator['firstname']) ? $creator['firstname'] : '';
  $initials = isset($creator['initials']) ? $creator['initials'] : '';
  $prefix = isset($creator['prefix']) ? $creator['prefix'] : '';
  $lastname = isset($creator['lastname']) ? $creator['lastname'] : '';
  $string = $firstname . $initials . $prefix . $lastname;
  $string = str_replace(' ', '', drupal_strtolower($string));
  if (!empty($string)) {
    $hash = md5($string);
  return $hash;