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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Bibliography Module 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
csl_mapper class modules/CiteProc/
csl_name class modules/CiteProc/
csl_names class modules/CiteProc/
csl_number class modules/CiteProc/
csl_option class modules/CiteProc/
csl_options class modules/CiteProc/
csl_rendering_element class modules/CiteProc/ 2
csl_sort class modules/CiteProc/
csl_style class modules/CiteProc/
csl_substitute class modules/CiteProc/
csl_terms class modules/CiteProc/
csl_text class modules/CiteProc/ 1
EndNoteXMLParser class modules/endnote/
Field class modules/marcParse/php-marc.php Field Class Create a MARC Field object.
File class modules/marcParse/php-marc.php Class File Class to read MARC records from file(s) 1
HumanNameParser_Name class includes/Name.php Does cutting and matching stuff with a name string. Note that the string has to be UTF8-encoded.
HumanNameParser_Parser class includes/Parser.php Works with a Name object to parse out the parts of a name.
PARSECREATORS class modules/bibtexParse/PARSECREATORS.php Released through under the GPL licence. Do whatever you like with this -- some credit to the author(s) would be appreciated. 1
PARSEENTRIES class modules/bibtexParse/PARSEENTRIES.php // Parse a file $parse = NEW PARSEENTRIES(); $parse->expandMacro = TRUE; // $array = array("RMP" =>"Rev., Mod. Phys."); // $parse->loadStringMacro($array); // $parse->removeDelimit = FALSE; // …
PARSEMONTH class modules/bibtexParse/PARSEMONTH.php 17/June/2005 - Mark Grimshaw: month fields that have multiple dates (e.g. dec # " 5--9," or nov # " 29" # "--" # dec # " 2") are correctly parsed.
PARSEPAGE class modules/bibtexParse/PARSEPAGE.php PARSEPAGE: BibTeX PAGES import class.
Record class modules/marcParse/php-marc.php Record Class Create a MARC Record class.
rtf class modules/rtf/
USMARC class modules/marcParse/php-marc.php USMARC Class Extension class to File class, which allows passing of raw MARC string instead of filename.


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