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class Record in Bibliography Module 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 modules/marcParse/php-marc.php \Record
  2. 6 marcParse/php-marc.php \Record
  3. 7.2 modules/marcParse/php-marc.php \Record

Record Class Create a MARC Record class.


Expanded class hierarchy of Record


modules/marcParse/php-marc.php, line 398
@package PHP-MARC

View source
class Record {

   * ========== VARIABLE DECLARATIONS ==========.

   * Contain all @link Field objects of the Record.
   * @var array
  public $fields;

   * Leader of the Record.
   * @var string
  public $ldr;

   * Array of warnings.
   * @var array
  public $warn;

   * ========== ERROR FUNCTIONS ==========.

   * Croaking function.
   * Similar to Perl's croak function, which ends parsing and raises an
   * user error with a descriptive message.
   * @param string The message to display
  public function _croak($msg) {
    trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);

   * Fuction to issue warnings.
   * Warnings will not be displayed unless explicitly accessed, but all
   * warnings issued during parse will be stored.
   * @param string Warning
   * @return string Last added warning
  public function _warn($msg) {
    $this->warn[] = $msg;
    return $msg;

   * Return an array of warnings.
  public function warnings() {
    return $this->warn;

   * ========== PROCESSING FUNCTIONS ==========.

   * Start function.
   * Set all variables to defaults to create new Record object.
  public function __construct() {
    $this->fields = array();
    $this->ldr = str_repeat(' ', 24);

   * Get/Set Leader.
   * If argument specified, sets leader, otherwise gets leader. No validation
   * on the specified leader is performed.
   * @param string Leader
   * @return string|null Return leader in case requested.
  public function leader($ldr = "") {
    if ($ldr) {
      $this->ldr = $ldr;
    else {
      return $this->ldr;

   * Append field to existing.
   * Given Field object will be appended to the existing list of fields. Field will be
   * appended last and not in its "correct" location.
   * @param Field The field to append
  public function append_fields($field) {
    if (strtolower(get_class($field)) == "field") {
      $this->fields[$field->tagno][] = $field;
    else {
        ->_croak(sprintf("Given argument must be Field object, but was '%s'", get_class($field)));

   * Build Record Directory.
   * Generate the directory of the Record according to existing data.
   * @return array Array ( $fields, $directory, $total, $baseaddress )
  public function _build_dir() {

    // Vars.
    $fields = array();
    $directory = array();
    $dataend = 0;
    foreach ($this->fields as $field_group) {
      foreach ($field_group as $field) {

        // Get data in raw format.
        $str = $field
        $fields[] = $str;

        // Create directory entry.
        $len = strlen($str);
        $direntry = sprintf("%03s%04d%05d", $field
          ->tagno(), $len, $dataend);
        $directory[] = $direntry;
        $dataend += $len;

     * Rules from MARC::Record::USMARC
    $baseaddress = LEADER_LEN + count($directory) * DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LEN + 1;
    $total = $baseaddress + $dataend + 1;
    return array(

   * Set Leader lengths.
   * Set the Leader lengths of the record according to defaults specified in
  public function leader_lengths($reclen, $baseaddr) {
    $this->ldr = substr_replace($this->ldr, sprintf("%05d", $reclen), 0, 5);
    $this->ldr = substr_replace($this->ldr, sprintf("%05d", $baseaddr), 12, 5);
    $this->ldr = substr_replace($this->ldr, '22', 10, 2);
    $this->ldr = substr_replace($this->ldr, '4500', 20, 4);

   * Return all Field objects.
   * @return array Array of Field objects
  public function fields() {
    return $this->fields;

   * Get specific field.
   * Search for field in Record fields based on field name, e.g. 020
   * @param string Field name
   * @return Field|FALSE Return Field if found, otherwise FALSE
  public function field($spec) {
    if (array_key_exists($spec, $this->fields)) {
      return $this->fields[$spec][0];
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Get subfield of Field object.
   * Returns the value of a specific subfield of a given Field object.
   * @param string Name of field
   * @param string Name of subfield
   * @return string|FALSE Return value of subfield if Field exists, otherwise FALSE
  public function subfield($field, $subfield) {
    if (!($field = $this
      ->field($field))) {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      return $field

   * Delete Field.
   * Delete a given field from within a Record.
   * @param Field The field to be deleted
  public function delete_field($obj) {

   * Clone record.
   * Clone a record with all its Fields and subfields.
   * @return Record Clone record
  public function make_clone() {
    $clone = new Record();
    foreach ($this
      ->fields() as $data) {
      foreach ($data as $field) {
    return $clone;

   * ========== OUTPUT FUNCTIONS ==========.

   * Formatted representation of Field.
   * Format a Field with a sprintf()-like formatting syntax. The formatting
   * codes are the names of the subfields of the Field.
   * @param string Field name
   * @param string Format string
   * @return string|FALSE Return formatted string if Field exists, otherwise False
  public function ffield($tag, $format) {
    $result = "";
    if ($field = $this
      ->field($tag)) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($format); $i++) {
        $curr = $format[$i];
        if ($curr != "%") {
          $result[] = $curr;
        else {
          $curr = $format[$i];
          if ($curr == "%") {
            $result[] = $curr;
          else {
            $result[] = $field
      return implode("", $result);
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Return Raw.
   * Return the Record in raw MARC format.
   * @return string Raw MARC data
  public function raw() {
    list($fields, $directory, $reclen, $baseaddress) = $this
      ->leader_lengths($reclen, $baseaddress);

     * Glue together all parts
    return $this->ldr . implode("", $directory) . END_OF_FIELD . implode("", $fields) . END_OF_RECORD;

   * Return formatted.
   * Return the Record in a formatted fashion. Similar to the output
   * of the formatted() function in MARC::Record in Perl.
   * @return string Formatted representation of MARC record
  public function formatted() {
    $formatted = "";
    foreach ($this->fields as $field_group) {
      foreach ($field_group as $field) {
        $formatted .= $field
          ->formatted() . "\n";
    return $formatted;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Record::$fields public property Contain all @link Field objects of the Record.
Record::$ldr public property Leader of the Record.
Record::$warn public property Array of warnings.
Record::append_fields public function Append field to existing.
Record::delete_field public function Delete Field.
Record::ffield public function Formatted representation of Field.
Record::field public function Get specific field.
Record::fields public function Return all Field objects.
Record::formatted public function Return formatted.
Record::leader public function Get/Set Leader.
Record::leader_lengths public function Set Leader lengths.
Record::make_clone public function Clone record.
Record::raw public function Return Raw.
Record::subfield public function Get subfield of Field object.
Record::warnings public function Return an array of warnings.
Record::_build_dir public function Build Record Directory.
Record::_croak public function Croaking function.
Record::_warn public function Fuction to issue warnings.
Record::__construct public function Start function.