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function theme_biblio_format_authors in Bibliography Module 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 biblio.module \theme_biblio_format_authors()
  2. 6.2 includes/ \theme_biblio_format_authors()
  3. 7 includes/ \theme_biblio_format_authors()
  4. 7.2 includes/ \theme_biblio_format_authors()
11 theme calls to theme_biblio_format_authors()
biblio_handler_field_contributor::render in views/
biblio_style_ama in ./
biblio_style_apa in ./
Apply a bibliographic style to the node
biblio_style_chicago in ./
Apply a bibliographic style to the node
biblio_style_classic in ./
Apply a bibliographic style to the node

... See full list


./, line 429


function theme_biblio_format_authors($contributors, $options, $inline = false) {
  if (empty($contributors)) {
  list($alnum, $alpha, $cntrl, $dash, $digit, $graph, $lower, $print, $punct, $space, $upper, $word, $patternModifiers) = _biblio_get_regex_patterns();
  $base = variable_get('biblio_base', 'biblio');
  $author_links = variable_get('biblio_author_links', 1);
  $authorCount = count($contributors);

  // check how many authors we have to deal with
  $output = "";

  // this variable will hold the final author string
  $includeStringAfterFirstAuthor = false;
  if (empty($options['numberOfAuthorsTriggeringEtAl'])) {
    $options['numberOfAuthorsTriggeringEtAl'] = $authorCount;
  if (empty($options['includeNumberOfAuthors'])) {
    $options['includeNumberOfAuthors'] = $authorCount;
  foreach ($contributors as $rank => $author) {
    if (empty($author['name'])) {
    if (!isset($author['lastname'])) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', "biblio.contributors");
      $author = biblio_parse_author($author, $author['auth_type']);

      // this is needed for form preview to fill in all fields
    if (!empty($author['firstname'])) {
      if ($options['shortenGivenNames']) {

        // if we're supposed to abbreviate given names
        // within initials, reduce all full first names (-> defined by a starting uppercase character, followed by one ore more lowercase characters)
        // to initials, i.e., only retain their first character
        $author['firstname'] = preg_replace("/([{$upper}])[{$lower}]+/{$patternModifiers}", '\\1', $author['firstname']);
        $author['initials'] = $author['firstname'] . $author['initials'];

        //$author['firstname'] = drupal_substr($author['firstname'], 0, 1);

        // the next line caused extra betweenInitialsDelim to appear in some circumstances

        //$author['firstname'] = preg_replace("/($space|$dash)?/$patternModifier", $options['betweenInitialsDelim'], $author['firstname']);
    if (isset($author['initials'])) {

      // within initials, remove any dots:
      $author['initials'] = preg_replace("/([{$upper}])\\.+/{$patternModifiers}", "\\1", $author['initials']);

      //$author['initials'] = str_replace('.', '',  $author['initials']);

      // within initials, remove any spaces *between* initials:
      $author['initials'] = preg_replace("/(?<=[-{$upper}]) +(?=[-{$upper}])/{$patternModifiers}", "", $author['initials']);

      //$author['initials'] = str_replace(' ', '',  $author['initials']);

      // within initials, add a space after a hyphen, but only if ...
      if (preg_match('/ $/', $options['betweenInitialsDelim'])) {

        // ... the delimiter that separates initials ends with a space
        $author['initials'] = preg_replace("/-(?=[{$upper}])/{$patternModifiers}", "- ", $author['initials']);

      // then, separate initials with the specified delimiter:
      $delim = $options['betweenInitialsDelim'];
      $author['initials'] = preg_replace("/([{$upper}])(?=[^{$lower}]+|\$)/{$patternModifiers}", "\\1{$delim}", $author['initials']);
      $shortenInitials = isset($options['numberOfInitialsToKeep']) ? $options['numberOfInitialsToKeep'] : FALSE;
      if ($shortenInitials) {
        $author['initials'] = drupal_substr($author['initials'], 0, $shortenInitials);

      //      if ($options['shortenGivenNames'] && !empty($author['firstname'])) {
      //        $author['firstname'] = $author['firstname'].$options['betweenInitialsDelim'].$author['initials'];
      //        if ($shortenInitials) $author['firstname'] = drupal_substr($author['firstname'], 0, $shortenInitials);
      //      }
      if (!empty($author['firstname'])) {
        $author['firstname'] = $author['firstname'] . ' ' . $author['initials'];
      elseif (empty($author['firstname'])) {
        $author['firstname'] = $author['initials'];

    // if there is a surname prefix like "van", "von" etc, stick it back before the last name.
    if (!empty($author['prefix'])) {
      $author['lastname'] = $author['prefix'] . ' ' . $author['lastname'];
    if (!empty($author['suffix'])) {
      $author['lastname'] = $author['lastname'] . ', ' . $author['suffix'];
    if (!empty($author['firstname'])) {
      if ($rank == 0) {

        // -> first author
        if ($options['initialsBeforeAuthorFirstAuthor']) {
          $singleAuthorString = $author['firstname'] . $options['AuthorsInitialsDelimFirstAuthor'] . $author['lastname'];
        else {
          $singleAuthorString = $author['lastname'] . $options['AuthorsInitialsDelimFirstAuthor'] . $author['firstname'];
      else {

        // $rank > 0 // -> all authors except the first one
        if ($options['initialsBeforeAuthorStandard']) {
          $singleAuthorString = $author['firstname'] . $options['AuthorsInitialsDelimStandard'] . $author['lastname'];
        else {
          $singleAuthorString = $author['lastname'] . $options['AuthorsInitialsDelimStandard'] . $author['firstname'];
    else {
      $singleAuthorString = $author['lastname'];
    if ($author_links) {
      $author['name'] = $singleAuthorString;
      $singleAuthorString = theme('biblio_author_link', $author);
    else {
      $singleAuthorString = check_plain($singleAuthorString);

    // append this author to the final author string:
    if ($rank == 0 or $rank + 1 < $authorCount) {

      // -> first author, or (for multiple authors) all authors except the last one
      if ($rank == 0) {

        // -> first author
        $output .= $singleAuthorString;
      else {

        // -> for multiple authors, all authors except the first or the last one
        $output .= $options['BetweenAuthorsDelimStandard'] . $singleAuthorString;

      // we'll append the string in '$customStringAfterFirstAuthors' to the number of authors given in '$includeNumberOfAuthors' if the total number of authors is greater than the number given in '$numberOfAuthorsTriggeringEtAl':
      if ($rank + 1 == $options['includeNumberOfAuthors'] and $authorCount > $options['numberOfAuthorsTriggeringEtAl']) {
        if (ereg("__NUMBER_OF_AUTHORS__", $options['customStringAfterFirstAuthors'])) {
          $customStringAfterFirstAuthors = preg_replace("/__NUMBER_OF_AUTHORS__/", $authorCount - $options['includeNumberOfAuthors'], $options['customStringAfterFirstAuthors']);

        // resolve placeholder
        $includeStringAfterFirstAuthor = true;
    elseif ($authorCount > 1 and $rank + 1 == $authorCount) {

      // -> last author (if multiple authors)
      $output .= $options['BetweenAuthorsDelimLastAuthor'] . $singleAuthorString;

  // do some final clean up:
  if ($options['encodeHTML']) {

    //$output = encodeHTML($output); // HTML encode higher ASCII characters within the newly arranged author contents
    if ($includeStringAfterFirstAuthor) {
      $output .= $options['customStringAfterFirstAuthors'];

  // the custom string won't get HTML encoded so that it's possible to include HTML tags (such as '<i>') within the string
  $output = preg_replace("/  +/", " ", $output);

  // remove double spaces (which occur e.g., when both, $betweenInitialsDelim & $newAuthorsInitialsDelim..., end with a space)
  $output = preg_replace("/ +([,.;:?!()]|\$)/", "\\1", $output);

  // remove excess spaces before [,.;:?!()] and from the end of the author string
  return $output;