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function biblio_style_apa in Bibliography Module 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 \biblio_style_apa()
  2. 6.2 styles/ \biblio_style_apa()
  3. 7 styles/ \biblio_style_apa()
  4. 7.2 styles/ \biblio_style_apa()

Apply a bibliographic style to the node


$node: An object containing the node data to render

$base: The base URL of the biblio module (defaults to /biblio)

$inline: A logical value indicating if this is being rendered within the Drupal framwork (FALSE) or we are just passing back the html (true)

Return value

The styled biblio entry


./, line 48


function biblio_style_apa($node, $base = 'biblio', $inline = FALSE) {
  $output = '';
  $author_options = biblio_style_apa_author_options();
  $authors = theme('biblio_format_authors', $node->biblio_contributors[1], $author_options, $inline);
  if (empty($authors) && count($node->biblio_contributors[5])) {

    // if no authors substitute corp author if available
    foreach ($node->biblio_contributors[5] as $rank => $author) {
      $authors .= empty($authors) ? '' : ', ';
      $authors .= variable_get('biblio_author_links', 1) ? theme('biblio_author_link', $author) : $author['name'];
  if (empty($authors)) {
    $authors = '[' . t('Anonymous') . ']';

  // use anonymous if we still have nothing.
  if (!empty($node->biblio_citekey) && variable_get('biblio_display_citation_key', 0)) {
    $output .= '[' . check_plain($node->biblio_citekey) . '] ';
  $output .= '<span class="biblio-authors">' . $authors . "</span> \n";
  $output .= strrpos($authors, '.') == strlen($authors) ? ".&nbsp;&nbsp;" : " ";
  switch ($node->biblio_type) {
    case 1:

    // Journal Article
    case 2:

    //Conference Paper
    case 3:

    // are all
    case 4:
    case 5:
    case 6:
    case 7:
    case 8:
    case 9:
      if (isset($node->biblio_year)) {
        $output .= "(" . check_plain($node->biblio_year) . ").&nbsp;&nbsp;";
      $output .= '<span class="biblio-title">';
      $url = biblio_get_title_url_info($node, $base, $inline);
      $output .= l($node->title, $url['link'], $url['options']);
      $output .= ". </span> \n";
      $output .= !empty($node->biblio_contributors[2]) ? '(' . theme('biblio_authors', $node->biblio_contributors[2], 'apa', 2, $inline) . ', Ed.).' : "";
      $output .= $node->biblio_secondary_title ? '<u>' . check_plain($node->biblio_secondary_title) . '. ' : '<u>';
      $output .= $node->biblio_volume ? check_plain($node->biblio_volume) . ($node->biblio_issue ? '</u>(' . check_plain($node->biblio_issue) . '),&nbsp;' : ',</u> ') : '</u> ';

      //  $output .= ($node->biblio_issue) ? '('. check_plain($node->biblio_issue).')' :'';
      $output .= $node->biblio_pages ? check_plain($node->biblio_pages) . '.' : '';

  /*  if ($node->biblio_date) $output .= ', '. check_plain($node->biblio_date);
      if ($node->biblio_number) $output .= ', Number '. check_plain($node->biblio_number);

      if ($node->biblio_place_published) $output .= ', '. check_plain($node->biblio_place_published);
  return filter_xss($output, biblio_get_allowed_tags());