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function _biblio_field_id_by_name in Bibliography Module 6.2

Maps CSV field data to table column names for fields in the biblio module.

This function does what ...


string $table: The name of the database table.

string $csv_field: The name of the field in input data file.

string $sql_field: (optional) Name of the sql field that maps to $csv_field.

array $build: (optional) An associative array with the following keys:

  • tablename: The name of the biblio table.
  • name_column: The label for this field from the CSV file.
  • id_column: The column name in SQL table for this field.

return string|false

1 call to _biblio_field_id_by_name()
_biblio_types_customize_fields in ./biblio.install
Creates customized fields for bibliographic types based on a CSV data file.


./biblio.install, line 1713
Install, update, and uninstall functions for the biblio module.


function _biblio_field_id_by_name($table, $csv_field, $sql_field = NULL, $build = NULL) {
  static $fields = NULL;

  // Reset the static $fields variable with data from the database table.
  if (!empty($build)) {
    $sql = "SELECT " . $build['name_column'] . ", " . $build['id_column'] . " " . "FROM {" . $build['tablename'] . "}";
    $resource = db_query($sql);
    while ($row = db_fetch_array($resource)) {
      $fields[$build['tablename']][$row[$build['name_column']]] = $row[$build['id_column']];
  $name = trim($csv_field);
  if (isset($fields[$table][$name])) {
    return $fields[$table][$name];
  if ($sql_field) {
    $fields[$table][$name] = $sql_field;
  return FALSE;