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Functions in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bean_type_panelizer_load ./bean.module Menu Argument Loader for panelizer tab.
bean_uninstall ./bean.install Implements hook_uninstall().
bean_update_7001 ./bean.install Update Registry to implement new Code Interface
bean_update_7002 ./bean.install Add delta field.
bean_update_7003 ./bean.install Add view_mode field.
bean_update_7004 ./bean.install Update Registry to implement new Code Interface
bean_update_7005 ./bean.install Rebuild the menus
bean_update_7006 ./bean.install Rebuild the registry to include new translation class
bean_update_7007 ./bean.install Add a Bean Revision Table
bean_update_7010 ./bean.install Add uid, changed and created to bean table
bean_update_7011 ./bean.install Clear the menu cache so that the new path for assigning the active revision will be picked up.
bean_update_7012 ./bean.install Rebuild registry to ensure autoloading for renamed plugins.
bean_update_7013 ./bean.install Remove default for
bean_usage_blockrefence_entity_types bean_usage/bean_usage.module Get all of the entity types used with beans via blockreference 1
bean_usage_blockreference_bundles bean_usage/bean_usage.module Get all of the bundles used with beans via blockreference 1
bean_usage_blockreference_fields bean_usage/bean_usage.module Get all fields that are of type blockreference and not deleted 1
bean_usage_filters bean_usage/includes/ Filter form for bean usage view 1
bean_usage_filters_submit bean_usage/includes/ Submit function for bean_usage_filters()
bean_usage_menu bean_usage/bean_usage.module Implements hook_menu()
bean_usage_output bean_usage/bean_usage.module Displays a table of Beans and their usage 1
bean_usage_permission bean_usage/bean_usage.module Implements hook_permission()
bean_usage_settings bean_usage/includes/ 1
bean_usage_sort_by_label bean_usage/bean_usage.module Sort bean usage by bean.label 1
bean_usage_sort_by_title bean_usage/bean_usage.module Sort bean usage by bean.title 1
bean_usage_sort_by_type bean_usage/bean_usage.module Sort bean usage by bean.type 1
bean_uuid_bean_presave bean_uuid/bean_uuid.module Implements bean_presave().
bean_uuid_enable bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Implements hook_enable().
bean_uuid_entity_info_alter bean_uuid/bean_uuid.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
bean_uuid_install bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Implements hook_install().
bean_uuid_schema_alter bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Implements hook_schema_alter().
bean_uuid_uninstall bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Implements hook_uninstall().
bean_uuid_update_7201 bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Add vuuid field to bean_revision table
bean_uuid_update_7202 bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Remove duplicate vuuid field values on inactive bean revisions.
bean_uuid_update_7203 bean_uuid/bean_uuid.install Update removed vuuids with unique revision UUIDs.
bean_view ./bean.module View the Bean 2 1
bean_views_api ./bean.module Implements hook_views_api()
bean_views_data_alter views/ Implements hook_views_data_alter().
bean_views_default_views views/ Implements hook_views_default_views().
bean_view_callback ./bean.module View callback 1
bean_view_page includes/ Bean view page 1
bean_workbench_create_alter ./bean.module Implements hook_workbench_create_alter().
hook_bean_access ./bean.api.php Implements hook_bean_access().
hook_bean_cache_clear ./bean.api.php Implements hook_bean_cache_clear().
hook_bean_form_submit ./bean.api.php Implements hook_bean_submit().
hook_bean_types ./bean.api.php Implements hook_bean_types().
hook_bean_types_api_info ./bean.api.php Implements hook_bean_types_api_info().
theme_bean_add_list includes/ Returns HTML for a list of available bean types for bean creation.
_bean_admin_default_plugin bean_admin_ui/bean_admin_ui.module The Default plugin settings 2
_bean_usage_entity_display bean_usage/bean_usage.module Helper function to display an entity on the report 1
_bean_usage_field_data bean_usage/bean_usage.module Get the data from the field_data tables for bean usage based on and 1


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